
Beatles and bread

Claire, it seems, has decided that she is a big Beatles fan.  Going through the records we recently brought back out, she asked "what this music?" as a Beatles (1962-1966) record played.  I told her.  She started dancing.  She has since asked to "listen Beatles music" several times since.  She also likes to "watch go round and round".

That dancing is mighty cute.

She is (much to my delight) also into the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band.  Particularly "You Are My Flower" on Will the Circle Be Unbroken.  It came on and at first she thought it was "You Are My Sunshine".  She seemed a bit confused, but then embraced the new tune quickly.  We danced, her on my left hip and our hands together, as we often do.

We've also been kneading and baking a lot.  I'm trying to get back into the rhythm of making most of our bread.  Something that I embraced for a while and then fell out of over the last several months.  I had a few go-to recipes, and I'm trying to decide which ones to stick with.  The nerdy, planning side of me is itching to start regular weekly (or so) meal planning and set days to bake, etc.  If I really let that side take over, it's likely that much more will be included in the "plan".  Like cleaning and errands and chores and such.  Sometimes I'm more go-with-the-flow, and sometimes I think it'd be so nice to have a handy little chart to look at to tell me what needs to be done and what we're going to eat that day.  That, and it'd probably be less likely that I'd find myself looking at our toilet in disgust and wondering when on earth it was last cleaned.  (that was gross. was that gross? do a lot of people overlook cleaning the old commode now and again? they do, right? surely it isn't just me.)


It's Beatles and bread around here lately.


  1. I am so attached to the idea of a day for everything kind of rhythm, but I can't figure out how to make that happen. With bread, I just kind of bake it when we are low (or out.) Meal planning--it sounds so great, but when I do it, I end up forgetting about the other meals. But I love the idea. I can't wait to see Claire dancing to her tunes.

    1. Ugh, I know. With bread around here, especially lately, it seems we have several loaves or none. Oops. I was thinking, with the meal planning, that I wouldn't necessarily plan out lunches and snacks, but just make sure that I included plenty of stuff for them when I did the week's shopping. Breakfast is easy. We either have oats or eggs and toast, it seems. Maybe if I made a pretty chalkboard or something similar in the kitchen- a nice place to write out a meal plan for the week- then it might be easier. Who knows. We aren't starving, so I suppose whatever we're doing is working okay I guess ;)

      The dancing is great. She sticks her little bum out and alternates which arm she swings up and down.


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