
tid bits and chit chat

Seeing as how this blog gets updated more than either my personal journal (which I'm not even sure I could locate right now) or Claire's baby book, I feel the need to jot down what she's up to these days so I can fill in her lovely Nikki McClure baby book soon.  I kept up with it pretty well until she was about 12 or 13 months and now I go back every couple months and fill it in.

And so, following are some little bits and pieces of Claire.  Such as these, the words and phrases she is using regularly these days:

bye bye baby
boo boo
I see you (she says it clear as day instead of 'peek-a-boo', and really, it makes a lot more sense, doesn't it?)
peacock ("gee gock", which now seems to be used for most birds)
cheese ("geesh")
truck ("shuck")
mama (now shouted when she can't locate me, "ma-MA"!)
drink ("jink")
more please (she does the sign for more and says "oh-peash")
thank you ("sank ew")
blueberries ("boo bayays")
bear ("bey-uh")

I'm sure there are more, but those are the ones we hear almost daily.  Of course she is also parroting us repeatedly throughout the day and that has been a lot of fun and has us being a bit more mindful about what we say.  Not a bad thing.

and these, some random tid-bits:

-she loves putting shoes on and taking them off
-she loves dancing, spinning and doing somersaults
-she is most definitely Miss Independent, from getting into her chair by herself, hiking on her own (well, with her own feet anyway), drinking from a glass by herself and just about everything else
-she is head over heels for her 'bop-pop' (this is how "papa" comes out sometimes) these days, and it is very clearly a mutual thing
-she could probably eat her weight in berries
-she needs a little time to warm up in most situations, but once she is comfortable she dives right in
-she can climb like nobody's business (this can be a little bit scary)
-she really enjoys finding little nooks and going behind/under things
-books are still, no question, her favorite things

Oh, we are having fun these days.  Many friends told me how this stage, between 1 and 2 years, but especially around 18 months, was one of their very favorite stages with their children and I always wondered how and why.  Now that I'm in it, I totally get it.  Language explosions, developing personality, increasing physical ability....... wow.

*7/15/11 update:
seems I forgot a few notable words and phrases, and she has added so many in these last few days...

'Dude' (our neighbor's dog)
'Ziggy' (our cat)


  1. She sounds so much like Bea when she was that age. It IS such a sweet age - toddlers take my breath away with all of their discoveries and new found independence. It's funny, now when I see toddlers, I can see how big Bea is and I wonder to myself at one point, which day, which moment, did the toddler vanish and little girl arrive. They are truly such magical little beings. I know you will enjoy it all!

  2. Oh, I am thinking the same kind of thing now when I see how big Claire is compared to little babies! I certainly still call her my baby but then when she is in the company of actual babies, well...... you know. Wow. Not so much a baby, really. (sigh)


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