
an inspired breakfast

Breakfast for Claire and I was inspired in part by a friend of mine and her recent decision to thru hike North Carolina's Mountains-to-Sea trail, identifying and recording all of the edible/medicinal plants along the way.  She will essentially be seeing most all of North Carolina's plant life as the trail passes nearly 1,000 miles across the state from Clingman's Dome to Jockey's Ridge.  

We visited with her this weekend, chatting a little about plants and mostly just catching up before she heads out.  For breakfast this morning I decided to jazz up our eggs a bit with some wild goodness outside the back door.  Really I just glanced out to see what was readily available and into the eggs went some dandelion greens and violet leaves.  Pretty tasty.  I used to do this more often, throwing wild greens into our meals.....  thanks to Heather for inspiring me to start doing it again.  If you'd like to follow along on her journey a bit, she'll be writing regularly here.



  1. MMM...I think I know what I'll be having for breakfast tomorrow...so good to catch up with you yesterday. I went to Filo today, your pictures are lovely.

  2. thanks, Heather! So good to see you, too~


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