
heading outta town

Tomorrow we head north for a wedding and some visiting, followed by a little mini vacation for the three of us up in the beautiful Berkshire mountains of Western Massachusetts.  We will be away from home for nearly 2 weeks and I am trying not to think of the garden too much (will we miss all the peas? the lettuce? will it rain enough?)

I aim to spend little time online while we're away but am thinking I'll post a photo and a few words in this space at least every other day or so.  Postcards, if you will.  (and if you have any recommendations for things to do/see while we're up there please do send them my way!)

We will be bringing..........mama's new car!  Woohoo!  About 6 weeks with no vehicle to call my own and though we didn't really need one most of the time, it sure is nice to have some wheels.  All of the walking that we did during that time will hopefully serve as a reminder that I don't in fact need the car to take us into town most of the time.  We searched far and wide and found just what we were looking for~ another station wagon with good gas mileage, low miles, and plenty of room.  We ended up with a charcoal grey 2009 Hyundai Elantra Touring and despite the fact that up until about a month ago I hadn't really known of them or considered them, I'm really loving it so far.

Today was the third market day and it was our best yet!  I'm thrilled to be a part of this wonderful community event and already look forward to it 2 weeks from now once we're back in town.  I'll be needing to take a bit of sewing and card materials on the road with us to get ready for that market day, but that's alright..... there are plenty of willing arms waiting to scoop up the little lady and keep her occupied while mama gets some stuff prepared.

Some noteworthy bits and pieces from our week:

I am so very pleased to report that papa seems to be fully on the mend after over 3 weeks of fighting off some unknown illness that had us a bit scared at times.  (to the point where I almost forcefully took him to the ER)  Fever, chills, sweats, coughing, weakness..... it was bad news bears around here for quite some time so this recent change in wellness status has me feeling so very grateful and relieved.  There was actually a moment when he returned from a few doctor's visits with hardly a glance my way and then told me he "needed a minute" before telling me how everything was that I truly expected some very very terrible news.  As though that moment right there was to be the last normal moment for us before entering into a new reality of living with some terrible illness.  I was terrified.  That was yesterday.  And today.... well, today we are still in our "normal".  Better than normal actually.  So grateful.

Thanks to Wolfie Claire now howls when she hears sirens.  That's whether or not he has already started howling.  It's quite funny and I'm really loving it.

Alrighty.  Off to finish packing so the morning ahead isn't terribly frantic.

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