
home, sweet home

So we're back home.  Aaaahhhhhhhhhhh.  We had a nice trip despite it being filled with unexpected twists and turns, some illness and a bit of stress.  We enjoyed much visiting with loved ones, some good day trips and of course plenty of yummy food.  (that's what vacation is really about right?  eating?)

Nana and Grandpop's private backyard park was a huge hit with Claire, especially since this was her first trip up where she's been walking (running) and able to really climb those steps, slide down the slide, play in the little house and turn lawn chairs into mini slides.  Add in the baby pool, swings and the horse pasture right next door, and I believe she'd be content to live in that yard.

These 2 weeks brought on an explosion in her language development that has been so, so fun to watch and hear and really take in.  She's saying a lot of new things, like "peacock", "cheese", "rock", "duck", "I see you", "stick", etc.  She continues to howl when she hears sirens.  She's blowing kisses and shaking hands and loves when papa grabs her little hand and kisses it while saying "hello, my lady".  She's also giving us a bit of sass, but I suppose that's part of it all.  It's definitely safe to say that she is developing her own little personality.  And that sense of self is wonderful to see.  Now when we ask "where is Claire?" she proudly and very clearly points to her chest with a big grin as if to say "me! I'm Claire! right here!"  And physically?  My goodness this child is more capable (and sure of herself) than I ever thought she'd be at 16 months.  She climbed UP the slide, went down it by herself several times, has become a pro at checking her balance and safely navigating steps..... a wee little babe no longer. (well, kind of)

Soon I will share photos and stories from our recent adventure.  For now, I'm off to settle back into things, shake off the bits of stress that are still with me (because really, none of that matters.....), unpack the last little bit and hopefully sit quietly on the porch listening to the rain and thunder while my little turkey naps.  Sometimes, I feel like a good rain clears and cleans so much more than just the air and physical world..... sometimes I swear I can feel it rinsing away my troubles and worries, putting them in perspective.


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