
Memphis bound

Today, along with enjoying another gorgeous Spring day, we are packing and getting it together for our road trip to Memphis tomorrow morning.  I am so looking forward to getting out there to visit family that I've not seen in years and to explore an area that I never have as an adult.  I'm also looking forward to experiencing a little mini vacation together as a family, and to the adventures we may have on our way across the state of Tennessee.  And of course, to relaxing a bit while Claire is loved and adored by the many people who surely will shower her with love and adoration.  Good times await.

So far, laundry is going and the mail is on hold but there is still much to do.... pack, oil change, get gas, last minute trip to get some groceries for the trip, clean and write out all the pet chores for our lovely neighbors who will be looking in on everyone while we are away.  And so, off I go to get done what I can while my girl naps.


**got several things done and I must say, nothing quite fills the need to check off a "to-do" list and feel like you've accomplished something like packing for a trip! how satisfying~  

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the blog visit! Looks like we have a lot in common, from being new homeowners, to having husbands named Mike, to being crafty, to enjoying the simple things in life. (We are planning to make a backyard coop and get two chickens this summer!)

    The biggest difference is probably the baby...no baby here yet!


thanks for taking the time to read and comment~