
making me smile

While it's great to look for beauty in ordinary little moments every day, I find it to be especially helpful on these cold dreary days when I find myself stuck inside with a sick little babe.

And so, some of the things that are bringing some smiles to my little corner of Sicktown today....

*The Van Morrison Pandora station and my introduction to Wilson Pickett's cover of Sam Cooke's Bring it on Home to Me.  Ah, that's nice.

*French toast for one, served up on a lovely little plate that's part of a small set I was recently given by a friend (thanks, Jennifer).  One of my favorite things to eat, I've never made it just for myself.  But this morning oatmeal (which I really do love) just wasn't gonna cut it and I realized "hey, I am so worth the effort of french toast, even if it's just for me".  And ta-da.  Not so much effort after all, it turns out.  And even better than usual because it was made with this bread and eggs from our hens, accompanied by a cup of this tasty chai that I stumbled upon the link for over on innerpickle.  One of the trickier parts of having a spouse who works 24 hour shifts several times a month is figuring out the cooking for one (and a half?) part and trying not to end up eating nachos and cereal on those days.  Or at least not all of those days....

*this bookshelf, finally up and organized after months of living in "to-do list hiatus" land, and the new little space for her books that was freed up after it was in place~

*little hands figuring things out...... and the proud, beaming smiles that come along with it~

*and most definitely, the nap that she is taking right now that is surely restoring a bit of her energy and certainly some of my own~



  1. you made the chai! was it delicious? It LOOKS delicious! (and now I have a hankering for french toast. Am totally worth the effort) xx

  2. I've made it twice now in the last week or so, and it IS delicious. Not super sweet and so much tastier than my standard chai tea bag with milk and honey..... Perhaps soon you'll have some french toast with your girls' eggs, too~ And I love the word hankering.... one of those words, like wonky, that I don't use nearly enough but get a kick out of. cheers!


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