
keep on the sunny side

dark and a troubled side

~ more often than not, I couldn't seem to find my patience this week..... not for her, not for him (or the cat, the dog, the things I tried to open and couldn't, or the things I tried to pick up but dropped, for that matter).  animate and inanimate things alike heard some less than gentle words from me this week...
~ which always makes me wonder when it was that I started operating closer to frazzled than relaxed
~ feeling scattered by the deadlines being brought on by this weekend... good stuff, but lots of it

bright and a sunny side

~ tonight we (the three of us that make up our little family) went to a new place in town for dinner.  We enjoyed it, we lingered, we played at the playground across the street afterwards.... it was sweet.  
~ he and I looked out for each other's time and energy and sanity a bit today... something we aren't always great about these days, but are trying to be...
~ the bees are seriously looking good. (whew!) bee post from the man of the house coming soon
~the fig trees have new leaves, hardly any sign left of that crazy freeze... maybe we'll get a couple figs this year after all
~the wonderful and fabulous and lots-of-other-positive-adjectives Black Mountain Tailgate Market starts tomorrow! 

(and with that, I'm off to go finish getting things ready)

linking up with Monica at Ink + Chai for 'keeping it real'


  1. awful to be operating from a frazzled rather than relaxed place, but oh so good to really realise it.

    the lunch and playground sounds like one of upcoming days, just our sort of enjoyable time, we our own little family of 3 ;)

    1. yeah, it's no fun. of course, it's always a choice, and so I try to be as aware as I can be of where I'm coming from and what I may do differently to shift my outlook as needed. I think I just need to commit to carving out some little rituals and time for ME. Not mama me, but just me me. Sometimes I am better about it than others, as we all are.

      our little family date was sweet and just what we needed. we get to spend a lot of time together, but it's usually around the house doing the same old thing and, well, we just needed to shake it up a bit!

      I like the feel of three.

  2. I know that frazzled state all too well, you just gotta ride it out.
    Dinner and the playground, how magical! Have a wonderful weekend.


thanks for taking the time to read and comment~