
March 26 - on the road to wellness

Our doctor's appointment today revealed that Claire has a viral infection that caused some sores in her mouth and throat.  That certainly explains her reluctancy to eat the past several days.  That along with a belly that is probably pretty full of mucus from her just now passing chest cold, and it's no wonder she hasn't been keen on food.

Her congestion is finally passing and I feel like we are perhaps just days away from being back in the swing of things.  It's funny how much an illness can make you forget how good it feels to be well~ (and I'm not even the one who is ill here!)

The weather has been lovely.  Things are green.  Budding, flowering, growing, beautiful.

I've been going to a yoga class on Monday nights and it has been so wonderful to have that hour all to myself.  Much needed, for sure.  And I've been incredibly able to leave everything (for the most part) behind and have my focus during that hour be solely on my body and my practice and my breath.  That's not something I'm usually very good at, so it has been a most welcome surprise.

Tonight, as I was putting my things into the little cubby in the lobby of the studio, I heard a tap on the window.  I looked up and who did I see?  Mike, on a bike, with Claire in the bike seat.  I knew they were out riding around, but it was such a nice surprise for them to show up like that.  I gave Claire some water, a flower, and a kiss, kissed Mike, and went in for my class feeling quite happy about the little blend of worlds.  An hour of movement, breath, and gentle reminders about how it is our reactions to the things that happen to and around us that matters most.  What we do with what we are presented with.  And isn't that so true?

And so it goes.

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