
March 17 & 18 - weekending

I pulled 2 loaves of bread from the oven
5 minutes after I was supposed to be at work on Friday afternoon
something wrong with my timing there, obviously
(so thankful for my understanding boss/coworker)
burritos for dinner at home with papa and uncle Kev and
a sickly little girl who is
not napping,
sleeping a little,
not eating much
but coughing and snotting
and fighting the snot-sucker with all she's worth (which is surprisingly quite a bit given her current sickly status)
thunderstorms Friday night gave way to a
Saturday morning visit from beeba and the unfortunate discovery by a friend down the road that her car was stolen overnight.
Mike was over tilling a garden space for her, he called and told me the news~ I dropped off C with him and picked up friend and her sweet little one (Claire's buddy "Mae Mae") and drove them to ballet.
I liked that not even car theft could stand in the way of that dedicated mama getting her little one to her beloved Saturday morning ballet class.  Police reports can wait a little while.
we planted peas
listened to a thunderstorm that grew in the distance but sadly never quite got to us
'pat pat' the peas, 'grow grow' peas
the seedlings are looking good
the onions and garlic, too
going to start a tray of flower seeds soon
she watched the red balloon
(because what else do you do with a sick can't-and-won't-napper in mid-afternoon?)
the end was happy but also a tad unsettling, I thought
does he land?
he must
papa played with the AFD Pipes and Drums band for St. Patty's day
I had intended to go with Claire but given the sickly-ness we stayed put
I also let her watch some of that blue train that all the kids like (it seems sick = movies here in this house)
I ate cereal for dinner
then pre-ordered tickets to the Hunger Games matinee next Sunday morning (yep I did)
beeba will hang with C
papa and I will go on a precious date
Sunday morning she woke up singing
still stuffy, but singing
a good sign, I think
I went to a meditation class in town
alone (there were other people in the class, but you know what I mean)
then I got picked up more coffee and groceries, alone
those little bits of alone were much needed after all of the holding and rocking and not sleeping of the past several days
(and, I'm still going strong with the grocery budgeting thing.... have about $80 left in my envelope)
of course there are still 13 days to go, so we'll see
our thanksgiving dinner this evening should help stretch things out
turkey, cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes, stuffing, green beans
hold the mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie
yep, Thanksgiving in March
off to help with the prep
and maybe watch a movie~

*linking up with and inspired by Amanda at the habit of being


  1. snuffly little ones are heartbreaking. hope little miss is on the mend soon!

    1. thanks! if only they could blow their little noses!
      think we're on the up and up... hopefully.


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