
trouble in the hen house...

One week of being chicken farmers and we've discovered we have a bully in the hen house.  One of our Red Stars is a bit full of herself and has taken to picking (or should I say pecking) on the others when they dare to get in her way.  I'm hopeful that it will pass~ that maybe it's the combination of moving to a new home, cold weather, molting and whatever other drama is going on in their lives these days.  Who knows what they are up to in their little hen world, after all.  And then there's Wolfie, pacing around the chicken tractor eyeing them rather suspiciously as if sizing up which one would be the easiest meal.  I think there will be a bit of a delay before the hens are able to roam the yard freely..... And so for now, as if he doesn't already have a zillion and four things on his list, Mike will spend part of tomorrow creating a fenced in area for the girls so they can stretch their legs beyond the confines of the chicken tractor.  Egg count to date: 0

And their names?  Still waiting on that... mostly because I don't want to name the bully anything terrible.

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