
a new gig

I got a new job (well, something in addition to the regular after school art program job that I have and adore).  it is a very, very part time (once a week for 3 or 4 hours) and very, very temporary (until about late June) gig.  it is one that I love though.  one that gets me excited and fills my cup in many, many ways.  I am essentially helping the kind folks who run this small farm at a nearby summer camp get things set up and ready for the summer.  I am weeding and planting and making beds.  I am talking to the turkey and hauling wheelbarrow loads of mulch and compost.  it is time I can spend doing what I love and getting lost in my own thoughts or in the meditative motions of farm work. also- in addition to the very little paycheck I'll get from it, I also get paid in things like strawberries and snap peas, all the greens I can eat, and sweet time with the farm dog, London.

no way could I turn this one down.


  1. Sounds like a wonderful job and who knows? Maybe it will turn into something more in the future.
    Have a great weekend.

    1. thanks, Tracey~ I feel like it is such a nice compliment to the after school art program job, and I certainly wouldn't mind if it became a regular summer gig.

      you too!

  2. Sounds wonderful to have a little job in the great outdoors this time of year idyllic.

  3. Stellar opportunity. I like the barter/tradeoff payment style. Congratulations to you.

    1. I'm, a big fan of trades and barters. wish it was a more common system in our culture in general!

      thank you!

  4. I can see why! What a wonderful opportunity!It sounds just perfect for you.

  5. Epic! I want to be paid in strawberries. :)

  6. Lovely. I adore those colorful bird houses.

    1. me too! there are so many beautiful little bluebird boxes and I watch the birds going in and out...... very sweet.

  7. Looks like a cool place and since you know it is only for a short time, you can appreciate it all the more.

    1. exactly. no doubt the novelty is a heavy contributing factor to it's appeal ;)

  8. okay, so this is what you were talking about. how fun! and it's so close to home.

    1. yes! it takes me about ten minutes to get there and 3-4 hour chunks of time working is the perfect amount to keep it feeling fun and not very much like work at all :)

  9. I am happy that a new opportunity has shown itself. Have fun!

    1. thanks, Karen! I am! this morning I got to bring home loads of greens and a basket of snap peas!


thanks for taking the time to read and comment~