

that first morning (sometimes night) that fall comes blowing in
announcing her arrival with a
swirling, noticeably cooler breeze
that kicks up a few
crispy-edged leaves....
I swear I can watch as the humidity drops
as the sky gains that vivid clarity

I watch those crunchy little harbingers scatter about
hear them whispering fall's arrival
we're coming, it's coming.... keep your eyes wide open and your fingers 
spread wide to grab-catch-embrace the beauty that is right now.... careful, don't blink much

in every corner, changes
in the garden
in our wardrobes
our bodies tell us things are different
slow down and take your time, it says
but be aware and maybe
think about saying yes

I hear you fall, you've been knocking at the door on and off for weeks, always timidly scampering off before I could invite you to stay a while.  But now I think you're a bit more serious about staying around for a nice long visit.  Please do stay, let me pour you a cup of tea.  A hundred cups of tea, even.


  1. What a beautiful tribute to my favorite season (besides winter)!

    1. thanks, Karen~ oh I hopehopehope we get a real winter this year. I have big dreams of sledding and snowman making with Claire!


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