
art wall

We've lived in this house for a bit over two years and for a bit over two years minus a few days, I've stared at a big blank wall above the couch wondering what to put there.   Not for a bit over two years minus a few days straight, of course.  But often.

We have plaster walls that are nearly 90 years old and quite intact aside from the small cracks and lines that come with such walls.  We are trying not to add to them and that means not just nailing things up as I have in other places I've lived.  That means using those convenient but somewhat expensive and finicky 3M photo mounting strips and having the mister sink anchors and then screws into the wall for heavier things.  It also means eventually getting hooks and wire and putting that picture railing to good use, but for some reason I've yet to do so.

Well.  Turns out a couple thumbtacks, some yarn, some clothespins, and some of your child's recent artwork makes for a fun and sweet (and free) little display.

Since framing some of her artwork as Christmas gifts, I had been thinking I'd frame several and mount them in a grid-like pattern over the couch.

But then I couldn't just swap them out so effortlessly.  Then I'd have to worry about getting frames evenly hung and then I'd have to spend more time than I'd like to holding those darn little 3M mounting strips in place and 'applying even pressure for 30 seconds' for each and every little strip while standing on the back of the couch.

I like this much better.  It's bright and cheerful, it makes me smile.  Makes her smile.  I'm pretty sure it makes him smile, too.

Smiles are good things to have in abundance in a household, I think.

I just love those little handprints.

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