
welcome 2012

I was inspired by a recent post on one of my favorite blogs, in which was written (among many other things):

I'm not much of a planner, and never manage to remember to make any grand resolutions for a new year. My regular resolutions always seem so obvious. But I like how New Year's Eve prods you say them, even the obvious ones, out loud, along with everybody else. 

I liked that.  Who doesn't like a fresh start, right?  Or, at least the idea of a fresh start.
And so, with that (and a bit of reflective reading I've been doing lately) in mind, here's what I've been thinking about a lot these days~

I want to be a better listener,
a more patient mother.
More patient in general, for that matter.

I want to acknowledge my blessings more often and do away with my occasional (though less so then I'd like) pity parties over how trying or challenging something that I'm facing is.  Because in fact nothing I am facing is half as challenging or trying as things faced by so many others world wide on a daily basis, and most of them are things that I could choose to change if I really wanted to.  It's all relative, I know.  But still.  I have my health, good food, my loves...... many, many reasons to be grateful, loving, grateful.

I want to go to sleep earlier,
to start cashing in my work-trade yoga classes,
to eat more greens, do some meal planning.

I want to remember to (and always be willing to) put my money where my mouth is, so to speak~ to continue using my dollar to cast my vote for the things I either want more of or less of in this world.  I'd much rather feel more like a citizen than a consumer, but I absolutely acknowledge the power of money spent.

I want to write more,
to write from the heart more,
and to do a better job of staying in touch with those I love but don't see often enough.

I want to work on letting things slide a bit more, on not taking things personally.  On choosing a bit more carefully the things that I will allow to take away my time and energy and happiness.  (because really, they need to be pretty damn important to do any of that, right?)

Happy New Year.  Happy endless potential and dreaming, which, though it's there all the time, is perhaps just a bit more easy to see and get excited about at this time of year that seems so alive with possibilities.


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