
a sad day

There was a fire in Asheville today.  A four-alarm fire, which I'm learning can mean different things in different places but suffice it to say it was big enough and lasted long enough that nearly all of the city's trucks and some from other departments within the county were there.

One firefighter, a captain who had been with the department for 13 years, lost his life. He leaves behind a wife and three children.

Several others were injured.  Mike went in to help and ended up on the truck that was the first to respond (with him coming on board a little ways into things) so he had to stay until everything was under control.  Somewhat settled.

I am so, so, so grateful that he is okay.

And I am so saddened by the loss of one of his fellow firefighters, and unsettled by all of the injuries.

They really put things into a different perspective, tragedies.

From a certain point of view, it would have appeared to have been a fire that was fairly manageable.  And it was certainly being managed by a very professional and well trained department.  And still.... things happen.  Things go wrong.  Oxygen runs out, masks are taken off, smoke is inhaled.  There are checks in place to keep bad things from happening, but life doesn't always run down the checklists to make sure it's flowing just the way our lists and training and preparations say it should. 

And then we are faced with very real reminders that all we have is right now.

And so off I go, to curl up next to my littlest love, while thinking of my other, who I hope is resting and  somewhat settled.  And sending loads of love and prayers to so many others.


  1. How awful...I'm so glad that your sweet hubby is okay. Life is precious...and never to be taken for granted. We never know when our time here on this earth is over. Treasure each moment...that's all any of us can do. I'll be saying some prayers for the family of the Captain who lost his life. I cannot even begin to imagine their grief.

    Love you! Hug Mike and Claire for me. :)

  2. thanks, Jennifer~ I know they are feeling such sadness right now and when I try to imagine what they are going through it hits home and I find it very unsettling. You are right though, all we can do is live in and treasure the present.

  3. I'm so sorry to read about this tragedy. Yes, when something terrible hits so close to home, it does make the minutiae of everyday life all the more sacred and blessed.

    Hug your peoples hard. xo.


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