
summer fun :: a homegrown garden/art camp

During the first official week of summer break in our neck of the woods, I hosted a sweet group of 6 girls (plus Claire) for a little homespun garden and art camp here at our place.  They stayed each day from 10-3:30pm, and together we played and ate and read and made all sorts of artwork and splashed around in the little kiddie pool and got into lots of fun projects.  We painted mandalas, I taught them to finger-knit, we experimented with straw-blown watercolors and mono prints, we collected herbs and made a first-aid salve, we indigo-dyed bandanas, they helped me make an elderflower tincture, we painted clay pots and made seed bombs, my mom came and painted their hands and feet with henna, we picked raspberries and made jam, and made teeny tiny fairy houses and tea sets out of oven-bake clay.  Friends, it was a full, and fun, week.

And I was exhausted at the end of each day.  I'm pretty sure I fell asleep on the couch for a while one afternoon shortly after everyone had been picked up.  But oh my goodness we had such, such fun.

This is most definitely something I will do again.  Maybe not this summer for another full week, but surely a few days here and there!


  1. Replies
    1. we had a great time, truly. what a great group of girls!

  2. Such a brilliant idea! I want to do this too. :)

    1. You totally should! I bet your girls would love it, too. I'm planning to do it a bit more this summer, but as scattered one-day offerings and not another full week again until next summer.


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