

mother's day weekend

it's that time of year again.  LEAF (Lake Eden Arts Festival- an amazing festival that happens twice a year about 10 minutes away) was this past weekend and since the kids at art perform I get a free pass for the day.  Mike was working, but Claire and I made a FULL DAY of it.  there was kettle corn and bungee bouncing and rolling in the giant hamster ball thing (which to me looks hot and uncomfortable and not really so much fun).  she got to see her favorite children's hip hop performer, Secret Agent 23 Skidoo, and afterwards we had ice cream for lunch (goat cheese with bing cherry for me, please!).  then we listened to Martha Redbone and there was some pizza.  there was swinging and sunshine, friends and good music.  it was fun and exhausting and occasionally overwhelming.  there was, as always, an incredible parade full of puppets and circus performers and drumming.  and in the end, there were some spicy noodles for mama and a cookie for her, eaten during a fire show where she got to watch the wonderful children's librarian from our local library (who happens to be one of her favorite people) spin fire.  and then it was 9:45pm and we were so close to seeing Xavier Rudd (who I hadn't seen since she was still in my belly) so I talked her into staying a bit longer and listened to about a half hour of his show with her asleep over my shoulder.  of course that meant we got a late shuttle back to the car and didn't crawl into bed until midnight (!), but all was well.  after all, it isn't as though we do this kind of thing every day.

and then of course, Sunday morning.  I woke up after papa got home from work and when I went into the kitchen I was sent away.  so I took to the hammock and by the time he was done with his secret doings she had woken up and together they served me 'breakfast in hammock' (something I could really get used to).  she proudly poured my coffee and told me how it was her idea to put the OJ pulp into my yogurt.  minutes later, Mike came out with baby Broccoli carrying breakfast for her mama.  Claire got quite the kick out of that and I thought it was a very sweet thing for him to do.  we passed the rest of the day reading, gardening, and then playing and having pizza with friends.  

*weekending with Karen and the gang


  1. Sounds like a wonderful weekend, a great day out Saturday and some tender family moments Sunday, what could be better?

    1. it really was a great weekend- so full but in the end not overwhelmingly so.

  2. we will make it to leaf one of these days. i had a friend call me on saturday to see if i wanted to join her, but i just couldn't do it on such short notice. looks like you girls really did it up! and love those shots of your hammock breakfast. it looks absolutely perfect.

    1. and xavier rudd! it's been years since i've danced all night to his music. such an amazing performer.

    2. I'm not so great with short notice anymore, either! and I used to be so spontaneous (at least for a bit in my late teens and early twenties- but I suppose that's part of that age). the hammock breakfast was great, yes- and so was Xavier Rudd! (although I admit to being a bit disappointed that the didgeridoo doesn't really feature prominently in his music these days...

  3. The picture of you in the hammock, looking at your sweet little girl says it all! Pure love and sweetness!!

  4. happy mother's day! I love you in the hammock being served :) :). You live in such a fun area, thanks for sharing and making me want to visit one day!

    1. thank you, Karen! and to you, too~
      yes, the hammock breakfast was a real treat... hoping to encourage that one again sometime ;)

  5. Mother's Day: How sweet!
    I made it to LEAF this year (first time since 17 years ago!). We had a free ticket because my daughter had a performance there. It was so much fun and right up my daughter's alley in terms of fun. I think she will be come a regular LEAF-er.

    1. I hope Anne's performance went well- Claire so enjoyed watching the kids from art perform. I love the LEAF in schools and streets program.
      (and those free tickets sure are nice, aren't they?)

  6. What a great day! That looks like an incredible festival.

    1. it is such fun- definitely worth a visit out this way in May or October some time....... (hint, hint)

  7. SO sweet and wonderful! daddy earns serious points there :) that is absolutely darling. my oldest daughter was set on serving me breakfast in bed... but i personally hate breakfast in bed... so i requested coffee in bed :) she got up early and served me cold yesterdays coffee... if was so absolutely adorable... she served it all put together with a card and gift she had made :) the little things really make the day wonderful.

    1. yes, I completely agree about breakfast in bed. nothing about being the breakfast-in-bed-recipient is very relaxing, is it? but hot drinks in bed, YES.

      that sounds so sweet...... cold yesterday's coffee.


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