

late spring swap :: (live and in person)

oh my.  every time, every single time- I come away from these thinking it can't possibly get any better and that no way can these incredible people keep coming up with more variety and more fabulous goodies (and that they don't get bored but keep coming back to my swap parties!).   but it does, and they do.  and do you see how beautifully everyone packages their stuff? my goodness!

this afternoon 14 swappers convened in our backyard and we ate and drank and connected and then finally, we swapped.  this time around I contributed sets of photo cards, some plant starts, a couple dozen eggs, a bottle of maple syrup, and some salve.  Mike made the two pollinator boxes pictured above.  I came away with Irish Cream, rosemary-infused honey, loads of lip balm, a digestion support tincture that was combined with a stick of first aid salve, body butter, strawberry-rhubarb jam, blueberry relish, and two awesome (and functional!) wall hangings made by a friend by transferring photos to wood.  Mike chose some orange/tea tree cleaner and another one of the wall hangings (it's possible I swayed his first choice and urged him to grab that little blue wall hanging for me after he drew #1 from the jar and I, after absent-mindedly forgetting someone when we drew numbers, traded my own #3 for her #14, because what kind of host would I be if I didn't).

I am honored to have a core group of swappers (and so loving the new faces joining in) who keep coming back and help keep this thing going.  each time I learn a little something about how to pull it off more smoothly (though often I forget those things until after subsequent swaps) and I think we're getting to a place where (even though swapping close to 150 items takes a good chunk of time- between 2 and 2 1/2 hours) it is feeling efficient and fun for all involved.  if only I could remember to go around at the beginning and have everyone tell a bit about what they brought instead of briefly going over the logistics and then diving in.  I suppose I get a bit amped up once everyone has finally arrived, set up their things, and numbers have been drawn.  I start feeling a bit of that jazzy hostess-energy and like I need to get things started so we can get down to business.  if you happen to be at the next swap, please do gently remind me to chill out and take the five minutes to go around the beautiful circle of ladies (and gentleman) to allow everyone to talk a bit about what they brought.

in the mean time, I can't wait to dive into this box of beauty.
friends, that is a whole lot of goodness right there.


  1. So great! I want to pick your brain, after we move, about how to get a good swap group started in our new town. Farmville, VA is about 10% of the size of Morgantown, so I'm looking forward digging in and getting to know folks. I really love that froggie key hanger!

    1. oh please do pick away~ I love, love, love hosting these and talking all about them!

      (Claire gets the froggie for her room, and I agree it is quite sweet)

  2. Such a beautiful, energizing, inspiring event. Thank you Amanda! You and Mike host flawlessly. :)

    1. Kassie, thank you so much for being a part of it! and thank you for your kind words- it's easy for me to get those post-gathering hostess worries hoping that everyone had a nice time and got to connect and relax and left feeling like their returns equaled (or even more than equaled) their sense of their own energy/time commitment to the swap. SO glad to have you be a part of these! xoxo

  3. Sounds amazing! I've been wanting to organize a swap here in my town.

    1. oh Kathryn, how fun it'd be for you to get one together! I'd love to hear more about your ideas and plans- I love talking about these things.

  4. A truly amazing event some wonderful goodies.

  5. What a great idea!! I need to see if I could get something like that started here with some of my creative friends!

    1. Anke, that'd be great! I highly encourage getting a swap group going. I typically host one twice a year and feel that to be a good frequency to keep it exciting and somewhat novel, yet still keep the energy up and retain a core group of awesome folks.

  6. We had a wonderful time. And you've assembled a fantastic group of folks there. I truly enjoyed meeting the other women as much as being at the swap itself! Thank you for hosting and sharing your dear space with Huxley and I.

    1. so glad you could make it, Ashley~ thanks for coming and for helping to make it happen. these people....... oh I love these people! every swap I feel more and more like 'THESE are my PEOPLE!' you know? (you know)

      Happy to host you and your little man, anytime.

  7. Hi Sweetie! I tried to comment yesterday...not sure if it went through....wanted to say hello and send love but won't babble on again until I know it posts. ; )

    1. hi!!!! oh yay you're baaaaack! (no clue what happened to your other comment attempt- people tell me it doesn't work so well from phones so maybe that was it?) I kept trying the little link I had for your blog and it took me nowhere- very excited to be able to peek in again at your goings-on. and your music..... oh how lovely!

  8. Your goodies look just fantastic! I am so impressed with the creativity and know-how out there. You have some pretty amazing friends! :) Can't wait to try out some new ideas now...

    1. it was quite the boatload of goodness we all took away from this swap, for sure! I'm feeling super inspired to try some new things myself!

  9. Your excitement leaps right off the page when I read this! Love it! Everything looks absolutely wonderful!

    1. thanks, Dawn~ we certainly had a great time!

  10. fun fun fun!! I love your in person swaps, what an extraordinary community of women.

    1. oh Karen, I do so love these gatherings! and yes, I am lucky to be surrounded by so many wonderful women~

  11. oh my goodness! amazing! i do believe this summer is the time i MUST host one of my own. the in-person swaps look absolutely amazing! now i remember you shared all about how you organize these swaps somewhere.... was it on your blog or someone elses... i can't quite remember. thank you for sharing... what wonderful inspiration.

    1. oh Jenny you would have such a blast hosting one, I'm sure of it! I definitely wrote a bit about swaps here (I've now got a tag for 'swaps' if you look up and to the left) and also had an article online at Grounded Magazine. here's a link for that:


thanks for taking the time to read and comment~