


let's just say that we went out with a bang this final weekend of summer break.  Friday was time at the splash fountain in town, a canning session wherein more dilly beans and some curried zucchini pickles were made, and then a wonderful, lively, and all around delicious evening as a dear friend of mine welcomed a friend of hers to town and wanted to introduce her to some folks she thought may be kindred spirits.  so nice to now call the lovely Beth something like a neighbor.  Saturday started with a bike ride to ballet class only to find out there was no class, so Claire gave papa and I a quick lesson of our own on the deck outside of the studio.  apparently, just about every move is called an arabesque, if you ask her.

next stop: market.  I really should bring my camera to the market (and the splash fountain) sometime, but I always hesitate to pack it in the panniers on my bike, worried that it'll get too jostled.  and so the memories just live in my mind instead.  an almost cool, noticeably-turning-towards-brisk-as-August-winds-down kind of morning, with iced coffee and plums and an apricot croissant eaten in the sunshine with my two main squeezes.  we sat for a bit and then rode back home, where I worked in the garden until papa told me it was time to get a move on so we could get to the fire department picnic.  which by the way was held at a nearby boys' summer camp.  where they had things like a lake.  and canoes and kayaks and stand up paddle boards.  and zip lines and water slides and diving boards and a big thing they called a 'blob' that you jump on and/or lay on and have someone bounce you off of into the water.  but to me it looked like a sore neck, so I didn't bounce.  no blob action for this mama.  but I most enjoyed the stand up paddle board, (what! fun!) both by myself and as I paddled a most often lounging-like-a-queen Claire around the lake.  there was funnel cake.  ours wasn't particularly pretty, but it was tasty.  oh so tasty.  hours later I still could feel the sugary, oily mass of it just kinda hanging out in my belly.  ooph.

so here's something about this man of mine-  he's perhaps what some would call adventurous.  energetic.  this is maybe a bit obvious when you consider the careers he has had (arborist, fire fighter). I'd say a risk-taker, but I stop short there because he's quite smart about knowing his limits (though he doesn't seem to have any, really) and taking necessary precautions.  if someone mentions something fun to him, or he sees someone else do something kinda neat, well he's all about it.  he spent most of the afternoon swimming and diving, swinging off of the rope swing, helping run the zip line, and getting into just about any and everything he could on that lake.  and when the camp director, a friend of ours, mentioned how they occasionally let some of the campers ride mountain bikes off the dock, well....... that was that.  not much time passed before he was getting someone to help him drag the ramp down to the lake.

me?  I just want a stand up paddle board.

Sunday was french toast for breakfast, the happy news that our first renters were extremely pleased with the house, a bit of much-needed cleaning up, and a late afternoon meet up with friends at a local swimming hole that was new to me even though it is not even a mile down the road (what?!).  it took all three of us a loooong time to work up the nerve to get all the way in, but once we did it was wonderful.  so, so exhilarating and refreshing.

we came home after swimming in the very cold mountain creek to a roast ready in the oven.  potatoes and greens from the garden.  ice cream cones.  a fire in the fire pit and why not?  s'mores.  because nothing says the end of the last weekend before a return to work and such like non stop water play and extra desserts.  what with the swimming and the fire and the s'mores, it almost seemed like we were off camping somewhere.  except with a roast, our bathroom, and our soft beds very nearby.

goodbye, summer break.  though you played out differently than how I thought you might have, I enjoyed you very much, and I'm glad I let myself be surprised by you in pleasant ways and go with the flow a good bit.  because there is goodness every, every, everywhere if you are looking for it.

*weekending along with Karen


  1. Wow, what a weekend. Sounds like a blast. I would stick with the stand up paddle board too :) How wonderful to have your first renters, glad it went well.

    1. oh it really was incredibly fun~ and way more exciting and filled with activities than just about the rest of the summer weekends combined! the second round of renters signed in today- hoping they're just as pleased!

  2. You had quite the fun weekend Amanda, Just reading your post makes me want to pack up and move north ;) Love the idea of bike riding into a lake, I want to do that too!
    I am thrilled that you had such great renters and am looking forward to the time I get to contact you and tell you to pen my name in a spot!

    1. yes, super fun!
      oh man- the bike riding into the lake looked like fun, except for the battle wounds the guys got from sometimes not throwing the bike away from themselves in time and landing a bit harshly on the bike (the bike stops, your body doesn't!). oh it'd be sooooo fun to have you and yours staying right next door!

  3. Replies
    1. it was- there really was plenty of goodness packed in there. never made it camping, or to the beach, but we've got fall plans up our sleeves for that.

  4. A truly excellent finale to a summer break.

  5. Replies
    1. very full, and very fun! I'm typically not a fan of full and busy schedules, but this time I welcomed it and had a blast!

  6. How nice that you have renters and so soon! Your weekend sounds jam packed with fun! My kids live for those kinds of weekends. Hoping the weather warms up a bit more so we can enjoy some more swimming before saying goodbye to summer too! :)

    1. we were able to actually get some stuff situated in the house before we closed (we know the old owners) and started other projects there immediately after closing, so that helped us get it ready to rent quickly. oh the weekend was so much fun. it's been rather on the cool side here for August, so that creek was freezing, but it was still great! hope you get to fit in your swims!

  7. what fun and I would never ride a bike into a lake, or bounce on anything that is floating on water. I put my feet in unknown waters :) I'm sad your break is over and now fall schedule will take over. Your daughter looks so much older in that photo!

    1. I'm with you- between the bike and bouncy thing all I saw for myself in it was possible whiplash and abrasions. The paddle board and slide were super fun though~

      today was the first day of school/work and it went really well. I'm ready to turn the days over to a new rhythm and welcome fall. I think.

  8. So much fun and family goodness in this post! Water play, good food, family, and a furry cat too. How exciting that you had your first renters!

    1. oh we had such a good time~ I felt like I'd gone to summer camp for the weekend.

      very exciting! they left us a great review and there is another group of folks in there now.... here's hoping they like it just as well!


thanks for taking the time to read and comment~