

in my kitchen

a lot of blueberries~ blueberry pancakes, blueberry muffins, blueberry jam on yogurt...... yum yum.

both the pancakes and the muffins are recipes I've fine tuned for us from the Laurel's Kitchen Cookbook and Laurel's Bread Book.  I find as long as I keep the wet and dry ratios the same as called for I can play as much as I want, and I've gotten to where my pancakes and muffins are just how I like them.

there was our first batch of kimchi, made from a recipe shared with us by a friend.  she's Korean, so I'm thinking she knows what she's doing.  many more batches to come, and perhaps some sauerkraut as well as we've got about ten heads of cabbage still to use.  I think we'll have fun tweaking this recipe as well, adding some carrots, maybe adjusting the thai chili flakes and salt to suit our personal tastes.

it seems that in these glory days of the garden, the majority of meals end up being either brown rice or pasta topped with a mix of garden veggies.  kale, chard, onions, garlic, peppers, zucchini, tomatoes, beans... all from the garden, mixed up and cooked with a bit of olive oil and topped with some hot sauce and maybe a fried egg.  I'd happily eat that over and over.

and then.  well, and then there is lavender coconut tapioca pudding.  those are not bugs on top of that pudding, I assure you- they are lavender flowers.  I was introduced to this sweetest of puddings by a friend who often (by request) brings it to my swaps that I host here at home.  and always, when she brings it, I end up eating some for breakfast the morning after.  it's amazing.  coconut milk (the full fat kind), lavender, a pinch of salt, some tapioca, and a little sweetener (I used maple syrup since we've got so much) and voila!  deliciousness.  the recipe is here.

and that about wraps it up.

joining Heather and friends for her This Week in My Kitchen blog hop.


  1. It all looks delicious! I love blueberry season, too. And I adore your photo of your daughter with the muffin tin--great shot, great light, and captures the joy of baking with kids!

    1. thank you! I loved having her up on the counter in the early morning light 'helping' with the muffins~

  2. Thank you my dear Amanda, I will be making pudding tomorrow!

    1. I saw that you made both- I've not tried the chocolate one yet. well, I've eaten it before, but not tried making it. will do very soon!

      glad you enjoyed the recipe!

  3. Love those canning jars in the window! All your photos are just lovely.

  4. Amazing recipe for the coconut tapioca pudding. Have a great weekend.

    1. oh it's sooooooo good. and now that I've made it myself and know how ridiculously easy it is, the only limiting factor will be how often I want to let myself consume the entire recipe worth of pudding in a day or so ;)

  5. Amanda, as always your photos are beautiful. The light, the colors... and this time the salad, the canning jars, the yogurt... all look delicious too! Thanks for sharing.

    1. thank you, Marcela~ it was good to play along again, I love this kitchen blog hop!

  6. Such yummy going ons in your kitchen. You have reminder me how I want to try to make kim chi as we have yet to find a favorite around here and as my Korean hubbie is particular about it.

    1. I feel like this is the beginning of a lot of kimchi experimenting in our kitchen!

  7. Sounds like lots of fun whats going on in your kitchen.
    Would love to taste your blueberry muffins :-)

  8. gosh your go to meals sound full and satisfying. I'm hoping to get focused on fleshing out a healthy wholesome meal now that there is less to do around here. Just a little less though :)

    1. I'm a big fan of bowls of mixed-up food, topped with eggs and hot sauce! I like to daydream about someday doing the meal planning thing that works so well for many, but I just never get anywhere past daydreaming.....


thanks for taking the time to read and comment~