

week in review

my wonderful in-laws were in town this past week.  I really, truly mean it when I call them wonderful, and realize I am blessed to be able to say that.  they are two of the kindest and most generous and thoughtful people I have ever met.  if only there weren't approximately 680 pesky miles separating us most days.....  we spent plenty of time just hanging around doing our thing, plenty of time snacking and chatting, and (thanks to a coworker who made it possible for me to play hooky on thursday, and to Mike's folks for buying the tickets), we spent an entire day at the Biltmore Estate.  it is flower festival time there and the thousands of tulips, among other blooming beauties, made that quite clear.

yesterday, a solid 7 hours at the local library hanging the art show for the art program.  then I came home and promptly took up the whole couch, and called for some takeout.  noodles and lemongrass soup, please and thank you.  this morning I woke up with a sore arse and the conclusion that either hanging an art show is hard work (I was up and down a ladder all day), or that I'm a bit out of shape.  possibly a little bit of both.  hundreds of pieces of children's art now don the walls (and floors, and ceiling...) of the multipurpose room.  it is a sight to see, indeed.  this morning I went back over to tie up a few loose ends in preparation for our 'opening night' tomorrow night.

we've been filling the garden beds rather quickly the past few days, adding onions, summer squashes, and peppers.  coming next are the tomatillos, tomatoes, more peppers, leeks, shallots, okra, cucumbers, and more romaine.  I need to fill in some holes where germination was less than great for some parsnips, kale, and carrots.  the strawberry plants have little green berries on them, and it's time to cover the beds with netting to keep the birds away.  the garlic is standing tall and proud and I'm watching it, knowing that harvesting won't come for at least another 8 weeks, but already planning what can go in once it comes out.  winter squashes, probably.  no clue yet where we'll squeeze in the beans.

Mike and Claire moved the chicks out to the garage yesterday.  it's still a bit chilly at night, but they are snug and warm in their little crate/box home with plenty of heat from the heat lamp.  and now we don't have a quartet of spastic little birds scratching around and peeping all night long in our soon-to-be master bathroom.  soon-to-be is relative, of course.  but at least the chick poo has been swept out and we're back to where we were pre-chicks.  also, now there's no creepy red light streaming into our bedroom all night long.  a definite plus.  I recall the first night we had them, lying in bed listening to their sweet peeps along with a gentle rain.  I said something to Mike along the lines of "how peaceful, with the rain and the peeping."  well.  HA.

also this weekend: rain, rain, rain.  I love a good rainy day(s).  soft days.  stay inside and watch the drops roll down the windowpanes while a mug of tea steams up my little personal space kind of day.  yes, yes, yes.

*weekending with amanda


  1. I was just going to say - wow - look at your collection of sunny days! And then you mentioned rain, rain, rain. I guess we need the balance, eh? :)

    Good idea on taking up the couch after a hard day's work and then calling for takeout :)

    Like you - I feel the same about my in-laws. They also live far away from us - around a five-hour drive away. Slightly better than the 7-/8- hour flight to my family in Canada.

    Have a wonderful week!

    1. that's funny- because yes, look at that, sure looks sunny, huh? (but those were all taken on Thursday afternoon at the Biltmore) honestly, I love the rainy days. as long as it isn't for weeks, and as long as it isn't freezing rain- because then I'm just cold and angry that it's not snow instead. it's hard to be far away from family, especially once little ones are in the picture.

      you too!

  2. What a weekend!! I think up and down a ladder repeatedly would make anyone sore! I'm sure the display is gorgeous now!! Rest up :)

    1. oh good, maybe I'm not completely out of shape then! our opening was great- I should take some photos of the show to share, it's really quite something seeing so much children's art in one place.

  3. i'm with you on the rainy days. i'll take them, many of them. for me they're soothing and productive :)

    1. amen! for me, the general temperature is key. if it's freezing rain, then I'm bitter it isn't snow instead, but otherwise I'm all good.

  4. can i say i love this post. what a great weekend. <3


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