

ding! ding! ding!

we've tried pushing and pulling her around on our bumpy, lumpy yard.  and chasing her down and then pushing her back up our slightly hilly street.  but get her out in a flat parking lot and wonder of all wonders, she can do it!  the tricycle is cute and fun, and we will keep it, but we are borrowing a balance bike from a friend as well.  I'm curious to see what she prefers.

all I know is, this girl is growing.  and she is growing fast.  I go back and forth between my heart aching a little over it all, and bursting with excitement and anticipation over what is coming next.  I suppose this is just a condition of motherhood.

and...... it just so happens that the tree on the left corner in the last three pictures is one of our sugar maples that we tapped this year!  well, not ours, but still....  I now look upon it with a small sense of pride and ownership, as if it were.  not that a tree can really ever belong to someone.  at least I don't really think so.


  1. aw...sweet claire. tricycle are fun -- and cute!!

    "I go back and forth between my heart aching a little over it all, and bursting with excitement and anticipation over what is coming next. I suppose this is just a condition of motherhood."

    Mmm-hmm...i'm so there with you on that one.

    1. so much fun! I really need to get her back over to the big old parking lot to get her out on it again, she loved it so much.

      it's a bittersweet business, this mama thing~


thanks for taking the time to read and comment~