

flowers. light. food.

Flowers in a sunny windowsill.

Surely one of life's sweetest simple pleasures, I think.  While it is a common site for us to have a few bouquets of fresh backyard flowers around the house once the season really gets going, there is just something about those first flower bouquets of the year.  Most of these ended up being collected just in time for a hard freeze (well, the tulips were a gift from my main squeeze, but the others, anyway) occurring in between stretches of warm sunny days,  as our late winter/early spring days have been very............. back and forth.  As they often are.  As, I suppose, they are meant to be.

Spring has never been my favorite season~ it's just so hard to compete with fall in my book.  This year however, much as I've learned to treasure the quiet and inward bundle-up-by-the-fire pace and pause of winter, I have so anticipated spring and I am quite literally out basking in it's warm glow and sinking my hands into the soil whenever the opportunity arises.  The flowers are, of course, a big happy bonus.

Also, food.  Lunch, tahini-almond flour cookies (SO good!), pumpkin 'bread', a small addition to the maple syrup stash (we were able to tap a couple trees again this year and ended up with a bit over a gallon- a smaller haul than our usual, but I suppose that just means we'll treasure it all the more), and some newly bottled cider from last fall's pressing.  yum, yum, yum.


  1. You've inspired me. We just made a batch of those tahini almond flour biscuits - absolutely delicious! We've just started our easter school holidays here in Australia, so we're eating all the snacks and sweets that are full of nuts, as school is nut free. Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. aren't they so good? I love the way they are nutty and a bit maple-y and not too sweet. yum yum yum.

  2. Just delicious. And now I've searched for every other type of tahini biscuit. Also made some chewy double chocolate ones. Nice, but not as nice as the sesame ones.

    1. mmmmmmm chocolate. I bet these sesame ones would be great half-dipped in chocolate! I may have to try that next time.


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