

these days

the last of the figs, a blurry self portrait, brand new baby niece knitting and an overly ambitious pile of library DVDS (no, I didn't make it to any of them during the week I had them), apple coffee cake for my people, tea & breakfast, beautiful stamps (in hopes they will encourage me to write more real letters),  the Sunday Times (also, it would seem, overly ambitious for me- it takes me all week to read it!), some of the last of the monarchs before it got chilly, and the finished baby niece blankie.

this (along with, obviously, the homeschooling and the after school-art-class-teaching and the general day to day parenting and such) pretty accurately sums up my last few weeks.  


  1. Busy times. I love the knitted blanket, such a lovely gift.

    1. thank you! I knit one for this little one's big sister a couple years ago and it is so well loved. it was a pleasure to make it, for sure :)

  2. I love these images of your days at home. The blanket turned out beautifully! AND, the Sunday Times! What the hey, the powers that be finally found you. :)

    1. thank you, thank you! I need to get another something on the needles- I do love having some knitting to pick up when I feel like it (but am nowhere near as dedicated (or talented at it!) as many knitters I know). And yes- FINALLY. took three weeks after I was supposed to start getting it. Alas, here I am again- it is Saturday night and last week's Sunday Times is still much unread. sigh.

  3. The way you blog, it shows how busy you stay, but what I feel is the calm you seem to bring to things. It is just such a beautiful, peaceful place.
    Thank you so much for sharing. You motivate me to search for more of the beautiful calm:) in my busy days.

    1. thank you ,Terri~ I really appreciate your kind and thoughtful words. I do stay busy, for sure, but I also work pretty diligently at keeping things at a not-overwhelming level. And I often feel like a child in the way I am always, always searching out the pretty little bits in the day-to-day.

  4. the blanket is gorgeous. what a special gift for baby niece. i love your over ambition, and like terri said, your relaxed attitude about it :)

    1. thank you! it was really fun to knit that- I need a new project now. something not too challenging that keeps my interest. probably a new cowl. some day I'll try to make myself some gloves or a sweater of some other more complicated thing than a square or rectangle or circle of come sort ;)

      in all honesty, I feel like I've got a fair amount of lazy in my days. homeschooling allows for slow mornings, and my job is just 3 hours each afternoon, so while I DO stay busy, I am very fortunate to not have a lot of the pressure that comes with a more traditional work schedule. I like to think I am industrious in spurts, and I often find myself looking for excuses to just laze by the fire with tea and my cat ;)


thanks for taking the time to read and comment~