


she's growing up, this little one.  stretching out long and tall.  figuring out bit by bit who she is.  she tells me her favorite things are reading, knitting, art, and listening to audiobooks.  she's also a big fan of riding horses (well, a particular horse) and playing the ukulele.  she is a frequent builder of fairy houses and fairy teepees and other things of the fairy realm.  she is funny and smart.  she has a great big heart that she wears on her sleeve just like her mama.  she's got a pretty awesome vocabulary for a seven year old (though plenty of those adorable misspeaks sneak through often enough for me to feel that she isn't so so big).  she is moved to tears of happiness easily.  she is an observer.  often when she is pretending with friends she is either riding a stick horse and neighing loud and shrill for all to hear, or she is a lost orphan with a sad British accent (must be all that somber British children's lit).  she loves her people, she loves her cat.

I love her big as big and wide as the universe.


  1. I really need to teach my 7 year old (8 soon) how to knit. Loving reading your blog, discovered it recently, and your pictures and stories are beautiful.

    1. thanks so much for your kind words, Cathy! I taught her a year or so ago and it was trickier then, for sure- it seemed 7 was just the right age (for her) to learn :)

  2. i love how well you captured her growth in the pictures. one day she will love looking back on this and reading about who she was at this age. so beautiful.


thanks for taking the time to read and comment~