

midsummer garden

these days it's really all about the greens, the herbs (I'm putting chopped parsley and basil on just about everything), the berries (I've lost count of how many quarts of raspberries we've picked, but it has been enough to gobble them by the handful, make a few batches of jam, and get some in the freezer~ and now the blueberries and blackberries are starting to come in), and the flowers.  the flowers have shifted over from a predominantly purple and somewhat delicate larkspur-lavender-poppy-nigella mix to the full-on summer explosion of day lilies, rudbeckia, liatris, zinnia, calendula, coreopsis, sunflowers, bee balm, coneflower (etc, etc).  I'm beginning to save some seeds from the earlier-blooming flowers, and the cucumbers, beans, and squashes are coming on strong, the first summer squash picked a couple weeks ago and the first small basket of beans picked a few days ago.  

it's a nice time to be a gardener- it's one of those small lulls where most of the work has been done for the mean time (aside from the always needed weeding, of course, and a smattering of second plantings here and there), and you can sit back and watch and wait and nibble.


  1. Always a joy to visit you and see the beautiful results of your hard work. Sadly since moving we haven't an established garden yet but we have plans for next year.

    1. thank you~ I do so enjoy the garden, that is for sure.

      I know you must miss it, but what fun to have a fresh start and limitless possibilities~ have fun planning your new garden!

  2. Beautiful everything:) Was wondering if your flowers are mixed in with your food gardens or if you have established flower beds everywhere? because it seems like every season you have more flowers. amazingly beautiful. Thanks for sharing

    1. thank you so much, Terri~ It is a mix of both- there are at least some flowers scattered around in just about every bed, but then we also have a few beds dedicated just to flowers and/or perennial herbs. As I've been working part time at a local farm for the last few years, I've allowed more of our overall bed space to shift over to perennial flowers and herbs since I have produce 'backup' at the farm. We still grow a lot of vegetables, but I've definitely increased the flower space.

  3. Such a beautiful garden! I enjoyed your feature on Soule Mama!


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