

spring swap

another swap has come and gone and again, as always, I came away feeling so full of inspiration and love and gratitude for this wonderful group of women.  due to some travel and family matters and such, it was a smaller swap than our usual 15-20 people.  I most certainly missed several of our regular swappers, but there is something to be said for a smaller and more intimate group.  I actually got a chance to really catch up with everyone, which was nice.  and we all still came away with such wonderful goodies.  there were indigo-dyed tea towels, sandalwood malas and necklaces, lots of beautiful, healthy plants, kombucha, salves and balms and body butters, tiki torches and bug spray and fresh shiitakes.  essential oil inhalers and reusable counter wipes, yummy seasonings and adorable little zippered pouches.  it's always such a beautiful spread on the swap tables!

I contributed flavored kombuchas (lemon-ginger, and blueberry-lime-cardamom), two jars of our backyard honey, and some plants (comfrey, elderberry, and echinacea).  I came away with some milkweed and motherwort starts, a lip balm/salve set, two beautiful sandalwood and seashell/stone necklaces (one immediately gifted to one of our swap regulars who couldn't make it here for the swap but came by shortly after to hang out), a tiki torch with vegetable-based oil, the most delicious crackers made entirely out of seeds (which I inhaled quite rapidly), an essential oil big spray, a magnesium/shea butter achy body balm, nutritional yeast/seaweed seasoning, and a generous set of 5 reusable cloths/counter wipes.

I've actually lost count of how many swaps I've hosted here now, but I think we're up to somewhere around 10.  I host them twice a year, and I so look forward to them.  this year there may even be a third one because..... well, because they are such fun and because I just truly love these women and we have such a grand time trading our goods.

I'll link below to older posts highlighting some of the previous swaps- it's always fun to peek back at what sort of things have been traded in the past.  and for anyone interested, I've got an article coming out in the upcoming fall issue of taproot magazine that will go into detail about how to get started with hosting swaps and setting them up in your community.

fall swap, 2012 (the first one!)
summer swap, 2013
fall swap, 2013
fall swap, 2014
soup swap 2014
spring swap, 2015
fall swap, 2015
spring swap, 2106

looking back like this and adding in other swaps that I didn't write about, I think we may actually be on swap number 11 or 12 now! whew!


  1. How do you make your kombucha?
    It's a favorite of my husband but I've never tried making it myself.

    1. After I ferment the sweetened tea with the SCOBY (a kombucha 'mother' or 'starter'- an acronym for 'Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast') for about 10 days to 2 weeks, I pour the liquid over some fruit, lemon juice, and usually fresh ginger (and sometimes cardamom) in a swing top bottle and leave it capped at room temperature for 2-3 days to develop the flavor of the added fruits, etc and some carbonation. Then I put it in the fridge and start a new batch.

    2. Thanks for the info! I'm feeling very inspired to try a small swap in my little community this summer. I hope I don't loose my inspiration!

    3. oh it's such fun! I can't imagine you'd regret it.

  2. oh I do envy your swapping :) I don't know enough people! and the ones I do know in real life are not crafty at all....

    1. Oh I bet you could start at least a small one! Even with just a few people it would surely be a great time :) Everyone has some thing that they are good at that is useful to others.

  3. It is such a wonderful idea like Karen I have to admit been a little envious. Congratulations getting your article published.

    1. There's no reason why you couldn't get one going! They are such fun and I really do feel like once you put the word out they tend to gather some energy and come together.

  4. *gasp* oh! how i wish i could JOIN YOU!!! every single time you share one of these i think "i MUST do this!"
    hopefully some day soon :) although, i would really just like to attend one of yours... how much is a plane ticket across the country? ;)

    1. Well I totally think you should host one, but I'd obviously love to have you join us here! It's a pretty place to visit............ I'm sure you could add enough other sights and adventures to the visit so as to make the plane ticket totally worth it.......... :)

  5. Amanda, does your friend sell those necklaces? I'm looking for a few like that. Your swaps are inspiring!

    1. Hi Carlin~ YES, she does. If you'd like you can send me an email (contact info in tab above) and I'll send her info your way.

      thank you :)


thanks for taking the time to read and comment~