

in the garden :: bloom and grow

we've been eating our way through the snap peas these last couple weeks.  the eggs are piled up high on the counter, usually a couple dozen at a time, at least.

we are picking kale and cilantro and parsley and basil to add to our meals.  the first round of broccoli raab has bolted, as has the lettuce.  the spring spinach is done.  beans, squash, cucumbers- all planted.  tomatoes, tomatillos, and peppers are in.  the flower beds are starting to explode (larkspur! poppies! nigella! coreopsis! coneflower!) and the garlic is sending up swirly little scapes as it prepares to flower.  I mulched the onions recently and was pleased to see them looking strong and sturdy (starting them from seed, they are so wispy and fragile when we first plant them).  tiny tulsi babies are sprouting up here and there where they've volunteered themselves.

I could almost have a whole garden of tulsi/holy basil.  what an amazing smell and an amazing medicine.  every time I work out on the farm lately I squirrel away a few more little tulsi volunteers to tuck in here and there.

some of the blueberry bushes are over my head now, the raspberries are coming on strong, and the elderberry patch has grown and spread to a rather obscene size for our little yard.  we have a few blackberry bushes that are quickly spreading, the figs are starting to grow the tiniest baby figs, the grape vine is looking like it will be quite productive, and we may just get some apples and hazelnuts this year.

but really, these days- it's the flowers that have most of my attention.  I feel as though I could just stare at them for hours and quite honestly, I do.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! A very beautiful kitchen garden. Kitchen gardening is a way to save some pennies. Moreover, it is a great hobby. The pictures of colorful flowers and vegetables are very beautiful.


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