

year end cheer

there were a couple batches of gingerbread, and some peppermint bark.  there was a caroling party at a friend's house.  sweet notes in the mail.  sweet surprise boxes in the mail filled with goodies.  there were bird treats made on the solstice and later in the evening, a candlelit dinner with the best of friends.  sparkly lights, felted gifts for special little people, a christmas morning tea party with a very special new tea set (also made a dutch baby pancake instead of our usual cinnamon rolls and it was a huge hit- we went on to make it again twice over the next three days).  there were gifts brought back from Italy (Mike spent a week in Italy in mid-December, and hid the goodies until Christmas morning) - wine, some honey candies, honey, a huge bag of olives, and parmesan cheese from Parma.... yum, yum.  I was gifted a great new pair of slippers.  we had a low key and sweet holiday, to be sure. visits with friends and family, lots of time spent in pajamas and near the fire, many books read and movies watched.  delicious soups with dumplings (and without) and hearty wintry meals.  I knit a pair of matching hats for me and my girl.  Claire has watched The Secret Garden at least three times since Christmas.  I keep hoping the temperature will drop a bit and some snow will come our way.....  hopefully soon.

and now tomorrow we get back into the swing of things.  back to work and back to school.  time to make some plans and set some things into motion.

happy new year~ cheers!


  1. Happy 2017! I love your little glimpses into the holiday season. What a special time of the year. Ours was, you guessed it, similar to yours. Lots of holiday movies and music, and tea, and candles, and soups, and just sweet slow times close to home. Oh, and it's kinda fun to see little things mailed in pictures on your confirmation! More than that, though, it's fun to see your blog pop up with a new post.

    1. happy happy 2017 to you as well!
      I like having these little bits from you here probably as much as you like seeing them ;) Makes the miles seem shorter in a way, doesn't it? (hopefully we'll have some of your poppies popping up in a few months!)

      I feel the same when you write! especially after your last long pause~


  2. Its so lovely peeking in here. You always do such a wonderful job capturing the magic of the season. How do you like your gingerbread recipe? We need a new one. We have been using one out of a Christmas book for years and its okay, but I would love to find a tried and true with fresh ginger :)

    1. thank you, Jenny~ I really appreciate your sweet words. I really liked the gingerbread recipe! it does not use fresh ginger though- but I don't see why you couldn't add some in...... I topped them with ginger sugar, but I think some fresh ginger added in, or chunks of candied ginger, would be delicious! I used this one :

      (I used a heaping TB of ginger and upped the cloves a tad)


thanks for taking the time to read and comment~