

winner winner!

welcome to my version of "random number generator".  without further ado, the winner of Stephinie's generous tea and salve giveaway is.......

Alexa!  Congratulations, Alexa! (I'll be in touch soon to coordinate shipping and such- xo)

also- do you see that lovely basket?  wouldn't you love to have one?  check out my dear friend Lisa's etsy shop for dozens of gorgeous baskets.  from yarn bowls to market totes and all sizes in between, she has many very functional and beautiful pieces in her shop~


  1. ah, cool! bummer i missed this chance... but now i will probably have to go purchase that salve after that FANTASTIC review... i have not yet found a perfect salve and you have me all sorts of excited :) plus, i have always admired stephanie's work and am very excited for her new adventures!! :)

  2. Thank you so much for hosting that giveaway, Amanda. (And thanks to Stephinie too!) A happy mail day is coming to our house! :)

  3. thank you friend, for the basket (& link love)!


thanks for taking the time to read and comment~