


straw flowers and Maine seaweed treasures
a henna design for the little one

trying to keep a running list of things harvested, and preserved.  some fall by the wayside, but mostly, I'm keeping up

art class planning (school is back in session!)
yesterday's canning (roasted tomatoes and pickled peppers), my current read, and this morning's hot drink
breakfast :: fried egg sandwich with baby greens and dried tomatoes

school is back in session here in Western NC and so I'm back to work teaching after school art classes five days a week.  truly, I feel very lucky to have landed in this job.  it allows me to work with the school calendar, continue to enjoy my (our) slow mornings, have ample time to get into other projects, and I get to bring Claire with me.  when I started, 4 years ago, she was just a wee 20 month old and I admit it wasn't always easy trying to help kids thread needles and load brushes with paint as she grabbed at my shirt to nurse, or followed me around begging to be picked up.  my how time flies.

the first weeks back to work always have me realizing a particularly strong feeling of gratitude for this little life we've created.  for this home and for the time we three get to spend together.  I recognize that we are lucky.  at least, I feel lucky.  papa works 24 hour shifts, but his days off outnumber his days on and we've grown accustomed to the flow of it all.  our schedules, and the fact that I can bring her to work with me, make homeschooling an easy choice for us.  she is five and a half.  and so here we are, in her kindergarten year.  for this year, and very likely beyond, I know we'll hover on the loose, 'unschooling' end of the spectrum.  we'll continue to read a ton with her and learn about plants and explore nature.  we'll pick a theme or two each month and see what we can learn.  I want to do things like make a papier mache milky way and learn about different cultures and have fun making food from and listening to music from many different countries.  as with everything, we shall see.


  1. I think it's awesome how you teach art. And you are ever so patient to homeschool your own. I love her cradle with her cloth dollies inside.

    1. sometimes I feel like it's just a good excuse for me to act like a kid and do messy stuff while I'm getting paid. actually that is exactly what it is. that, and I just can't give up the school calendar of summers off ;)

      hmmm...... patience.
      sometimes, yes. sometimes, no.

  2. "the first weeks back to work always have me realizing a particularly strong feeling of gratitude for this little life we've created." That's so nice, Amanda. Really, it is. :)

    Your paper list of your harvest is nice, too. I feel like everyone is always pushed to make everything electronic. I like to write things down, too.

    1. thanks~ I'm definitely feeling it these days- that gratitude and acknowledgement of how lucky we are. we give certain things up to live the life we want, and for us, it is more than worth it. and I'm ever so grateful to have the choice in the first place.

      oh I am all about writing some stuff on paper!

  3. That is some list of canning/ preserving I am in awe. I too am a paper list type of person I love a good notebook.

    1. well thank you~
      oh I love a good notebook, and the whole act of list making and such....

  4. Love your photos Amanda and I am thrilled that you are keeping a page of your canning progress. In my kitchen I have hanging a piece of paper that is matted and framed of what my father in love and I canned the year 1995, it is a treasured item.
    Enjoy your slow mornings and your afternoon art classes, sounds like a wonderful way to spend your days.

    1. thank you, Tracey~ I do think this is one of my favorite collections of photos in a while. must be because I'm a homebody and these are all from around the house ;)

      how sweet that you have that framed- I bet it bring back a bunch of fun memories when you look at it!

  5. We just did mendhi yesterday. S asks me to put it on her all the time. The one you did is truly lovely.

    Those tomatoes love divine.

    I love that homeschooling gives you such freedom. Do what works.

    1. fun! I can't take credit for the henna- they had a program at our library and someone came in and did it. I do want to get myself a kit though- I'd totally be into doing it regularly!

      loads of freedom, especially at this part of her life, is exactly what we want :)

  6. that is an excellent book! have fun getting into the swing of the school year and I love the little one's henna tattoo :)

    1. I loved the book! just finished it last night. I was kind of hoping for something big to happen at the end, but still, I very much enjoyed it.

      so far so good on the art class front ;)

  7. beautiful..... xxxx

  8. this is lovely amanda. i love reading these thoughts of yours. it's as if we were just sitting together over a cup of tea. :) i am so excited for you, and your absolutely right... your so very lucky :)

    1. I was probably drinking tea while I sat here typing these thoughts, so that's not a far stretch of the imagination! and, what a nice thing to imagine doing... tea and conversation with you :)


thanks for taking the time to read and comment~