

in and around the garden

we're far away from the garden right now~  we got on the road yesterday and made it to nana and pipop's last night.  early to bed, early to rise.... a run and breakfast and now the little one is out picking blackberries in the park with her nana before we hit the road again.  Maine is our eventual destination.  tomorrow we check in to a little old farmhouse in Deer Isle for the upcoming week, but first we've got a couple pit stops planned.  we'll stop briefly in Boston this afternoon to see the Make Way for Ducklings statue in the public gardens (this trip is getting us deep into Robert McCloskey's territory and, seeing as how he is one of the little one's most favorite authors we've got to take advantage) and then head on up to New Hampshire to spend the night with dear, dear friends for the night. 

the garden, I'm sure, will be a bit crazy when we get back in a couple weeks.  but it was left fairly tidy and the above photos give a small glimpse as to what's going on there now.


  1. Have the most wonderful time. Travel safe.

    1. thanks Kim! we did and are now home again and settling in~

  2. Love your new header. Have a lovely trip. My girls are currently up in the city having QT with my parents. You are an inspiration for growing gardens. Last night I just noticed the romaine growing from the cut off bottom! I was so excited. I want to try a white onion but need to get organic soil. I didn't know Miracle Gro was toxic and so now I have a useless bag of it. I'm gonna cut off the ends of my scallions and put them in water today. I'm excited about that too!

    1. thank you~ that's from our recent camping trip out in the Smokies.
      gardening is such fun, and you can do so many fun things in small spaces, too!

  3. My little ones love that story! Robert McClosky is a big favourite here too. Can't wait to hear about your adventures!

    1. oh we had such fun! and definitely hit up some Robert McCloskey spots along the way :)

  4. We did that last year when we went to Maine and Boston for a wedding! We went blueberry picking and road the swan boats. I hope you will ride the swan boats. We visited the coast and almost went to Bucks Harbor but ran out of time.

    I'm jealous of the cucs. Mine just won't pollinate.

    1. thanks to nearly three hours of traffic in Connecticut we didn't make it to Boston until about 8pm. we still saw the statue, but didn't have the picnic I'd hoped we might, or ride the swan boats. ah well. we got to see them at least. Buck's Harbor was great, and the place we picked blueberries in Maine could have very well been Blueberry Hill from Blueberries for Sal. such fun.

      my cucumbers last year were a total flop! and they were even right next to our hives! sometimes it's just such a mystery. this year our big fail was our tomatoes- sad, sad. luckily we have a farmer friend in NJ who sent us along with a big fat box of them, and I can go get some from the farm I was working at a bit earlier this summer. but still, it stinks when your own don't do so well. fingers crossed for next year :)

  5. Have a wonderful trip. Your garden certainly is looking really good at the moment.

    1. thank you! oh my what two weeks will do to a garden... between the weeds and the bean beetles it is quite a hot mess out there. I am taming it slowly and preparing to do some more fall planting.

  6. safe travels, boston is a wonderful place to be :)

    1. thanks, Karen. I wish we'd had more time to explore, but hours of traffic in Connecticut left us with just a bit of time to see the statues and swan boats and get back on the road towards a friend's place in NH for the night. next time!

  7. Have a wonderful trip... Your garden looks wonderful. Mine is not doing too bad so far...lots of little green tomatoes...hope...

    1. thank you~
      lots of green tomatoes is a good sign of what's to come for sure! best of luck!

  8. it all looks SO lovely :) and delicious!


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