

goodbye, farm school

we really found our groove a while back with a little routine of horseback riding, ballet class, and farm school, each once a week.  Wednesdays since September she spent the hours from 9am-1pm running around the farm and in the woods (and the creek) learning all matter of things related to animal science and the natural world.  what an amazing program to have so close by, one we had hoped she'd attend for years.  in fact, I'd already had her signed up for a botany class starting in September when we heard the news that the fine folks who run farm school are moving to Georgia this summer.   and while they may return in the summers to host farm camp, it seems the farm school chapter ends here.

and so.  here we are, left to figure out a new homeschoolish routine for this little miss.  honestly though, I find myself leaning more and more (and more) towards the 'unschooling' end of homeschooling.  and so it's possible that the search for a new routine ended before it was ever earnestly begun.  for now, anyway, I can't help but feel like her main job is one of playing and exploring, asking those (endless and often, I'll admit it, rather annoying) questions, figuring out which things interest her and which do not, and testing her own (um, and often our) limits.  there is a lot of reading that goes on around here, a lot of education that creeps in in unexpected places, plenty of counting and adding in our daily living, and a good bit of 'homework' (wherein we grownups of the household attempt to create 'homework' sheets for her to complete because she watches the kids at art do homework and is ever so intrigued).  and of course, all the while, no doubt she is soaking in so much more than we think she is.

and to me..... for us..... that is more than enough.  besides, it's summer!


  1. Oh that is too bad, always sad when a wonderful program like that comes to an end.

    The whole homeschooling journey is an interesting one, isn't it? Finding our groove with it, and discovering what works for our children, and for us. I think what I love most about homeschooling is that I can talk to many different people and every single one of us does it differently, in our own way. It is wonderful to have the freedom to do that.

    1. indeed the freedom is quite great~ as we approach what would be Claire's kindergarten year I am thinking a lot about just what I will and won't choose to have as part of our regular 'school' rhythm around here. so many possibilities...

  2. Homeschooling is lovely isn't it? Homeschooling two like I do can be a challenge but at the same time it's so interesting because the younger girl learns everything so quickly. At three she can read simple books! Pretty much every homeschooler I know is a mishmash of things. Whatever works right?!

    Sorry to hear the program ended. Sounds like it was awesome!

    1. a mishmash of things most certainly sounds about right!

  3. Such a shame the program has come to an end, but another chapter begins you just have to find it.

    1. yes, exactly. looking forward to opening new doors :)

  4. so lovely. there are so many amazing things about unschooling. i love the sound of your learning routine thus far... it sounds perfect. that's exactly what you want.. for her to keep that love of learning.

    1. that is definitely one of my main goals with homeschooling!


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