


when we bought this house five and half years ago I noticed a few spindly, sad little peony plants in the front yard.  I love peonies.  (does anyone not love peonies?)  I loved the idea of having some in my own yard and so I transplanted them somewhat carefully to a spot in the backyard along the garage wall and crossed my fingers.  each spring they'd come up a bit and top out at about a foot high, foliage only.  last year they got a bit bigger and I thought maybe they would flower, but no.


well, look at that.  five years in and we got a happy looking plant with several big fat pink blossoms on it and I couldn't be happier.  now those blossoms are mostly a mess of petals on the ground beneath the plant, and that's alright too.  it's the the fleeting pleasures that I hold most dear, anyway.


  1. Well done, patience was definitely the virtue, they look amazing.

  2. What a delight! Congrats on your little victory!

  3. When we moved into our house ten years ago, I also noticed some sad looking peonies in the middle of a large swath of ground cover. I have moved them several times over the years before I finally settled on a good spot for them 3 years ago. They are SO hardy and last year's bloom was terrific. Waiting patiently - it will happen any day now!

    1. oh I hope you get loads of sweet blooms on your peonies, Katie! and it's good to hear that they are so hardy and happy after a few years of getting used to their new digs.

  4. i always find myself laughing as i watch our plant collapse under the weight of her own beauty.

  5. peonies remind me of my gram. so glad you were successful!

    1. oh I just love them. and yes, they are such a grandmotherly flower, aren't they? (I am an old woman at heart)


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