

mornings with my girl

smart girl- said she added the 'e' to the end of lion and robot since the 'i' in lion and the first 'o' in robot said their own names.  she gets the idea of the silent e, I just had to then explain how if there is another vowel afterwards then it is different.  gosh, english is tricky!

adding a small cd player in her room was a little change that made a BIG difference.  so nice to be able to have books on cd as an easy option that she can oversee all on her own.

she assembled this bow and arrow and the Indian head dress all on her own, with just a smidge of help from papa with tying the webbing onto the large dowel (which is her 'light saber' that she made out of duct tape and a large dowel at a friend's birthday party last year)

without a doubt, one of my very favorite things in this world are my slow mornings with this girl.  since I work at an after school program I don't have to rush about in the mornings and I couldn't be more grateful for the deliciously slow pace with which I can approach the beginning of each day.  we laze about, we make and eat breakfast, we poke around the garden.  she dons costumes and 'fishes' in the daylilies.  there are books, lots of make believe, and a little bit of school work.

it's good stuff, these slow mornings.


  1. She is growing up so fast and you are certainly making the most of the precious time you have with her, beautiful moments.

    1. oh my goodness she sure is! and I am trying hard to soak it all in and absorb it deep into my bones, being sure to write down the little things she says and take pictures often. (but not so often that I get more involved in the documenting than I do in the living)

  2. so much love and tenderness captured here. and i love that she's wearing the butterfly mask while she fishes! I've been thinking about getting a cd player (in fact, searching goodwill regularly) now, I'm convinced. Z can't start sparkle stories on her own obviously so this looks like a good addition to the do-it-myself activities.

    1. she really loves that mask, and wears it often. we talked about getting a little cd player for a long time and I would look in Goodwill as well- and then one day I decided now was the time and picked one up at Best Buy for $25. (shortly after that I found a disc man at a yard sale for $0.25 and snagged that too!) I feel like a whole new world opened up, and she loves being able to just go put on a cd or book-on-cd all by herself.

  3. It makes me smile reading your words Amanda. Your sweet girl has really done some growing. I love books on tape; have you ever listened to Jim Weiss? My crew loved him.

    1. I haven't ever listened to Jim Weiss but I'll look into him- thanks, Tracey :)

  4. I love seeing her, playing, learning and "being". Such a lively spirit! I love her mask and her indian headband. Your post makes me miss having a little one in the house.

    1. thank you, Karen~

      hearing you say that makes me realize all the more that I have to enjoy these days as much as I can.... here I am sometimes thinking that I miss a little one (as in, baby) in the house but really, I've still got a little one! but goodness not for long, huh?

  5. Perfection! Love the bonnet. :)

    1. they sell these sweet bonnets at the living history farm we always visit when we're up in NJ. I love them.

  6. I love it all! I need to slow our mornings down this summer. We've been having way too many outting days, need more home days now.

    1. oh I love the slow and easy home days and the long slow mornings. sometimes it's hard to resist the urge to go and do and explore and have adventures though, isn't it? and I almost always enjoy the going and doing, and rarely regret it. but I also really enjoy the staying home and doing just about nothing. all about finding the right balance I guess, huh?


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