

painted eggs and other things

we had a very fun spring-ish, very eggy weekend last weekend.  egg-painting with Beeba, an egg-themed party with friends, a visit to the greenhouse, an Easter party at a good friend's house.  lots of egg-hunting and good times.  Nana and Pipop have been visiting since Monday and we're having a blast playing and eating and visiting and gardening.  oh happy spring days.


  1. That food! I've seen that food before and I know where that beet pickled egg came from! It sounds like a great weekend! :)

    1. haha- YES! that Lisa makes some yummy stuff.

  2. Your eggs are just beautiful! And that tree, and those eggy-tulips. Just so much joy and creativity!

  3. i absolutely love your painted eggs! the tulip one... oh my goodness... so pretty! and the brown egg hunt... they blend right in... that's fantastic ;) we did most of our hunting indoors this year because it was raining outside... and hailing... very typical oregon spring :)

    1. aw thanks Jenny~ we had a lot of fun painting them.
      your indoor egg hunt makes me think of a few July 4th ago when we lit sparklers on the porch because it was pouring rain. you make it what you can at the time and sometimes those things become the best memories :)


thanks for taking the time to read and comment~