

light and blossoms, growth and fire

it's 10:01pm and I really should be working on rearranging the trays of seedlings so that all of the shorter plants are together and all of the taller plants are together, so that none of them are stretching too far for the light.  or I should be trying to get my ailing cat to eat, or working on an article I need to hand in before we head to the beach this weekend (spring break! heading back to Hunting Island but this time with dear friends- woohooo!).  or showering.  or finishing the dishes.  or getting the rental house ready for the next round of visitors.

but instead I'm here, getting photos from the last two days off the camera and onto (into?) the computer.  and then I click on this and that and then I look at older photos and then it's 10:01 and I've not yet showered, written things I need to write, etc.

the spring light, the blossoming fruit trees and daffodils, the wild violets…. oh my.  it's hard to experience these early spring days and not feel a bit giddy and relieved at the newness and the promise and the growth.  I recall smiling at the wild violets last year, finding peace and joy and hope in those tiny purple flowers when I was engulfed in such incredible sadness.   a year ago this Wednesday I listened in on a conference call with doctors saying my mother might be dying and now just look.  she is very much here and alive and well and the wild violets are blossoming again and life goes on.


a bouquet from my girl,

the tomatoes are growing strong and since I'm too much a sucker to pluck out the extras that sprout we now have an obscene amount of tomato plants,

morning beverages for the girls,

and a new wood stove, delivered today.  after much deliberation we went with this.  I am so pleased and so looking forward to going through much less wood next winter and gosh it's pretty with that soapstone, isn't it?  some girls want a closet full of fancy shoes and sparkling jewelry.  I am over the moon with this new 400 pound hunk of steel and soapstone.  swoon.


  1. I am so impressed with the growth of your tomatoes and I love the new stove, beautiful.

    1. thank you! last year with my mom so sick I missed out on a lot of the early spring seed-starting, so it feels great to be back at it and for it to be going so well :)

      oh the stove….. almost makes me wish it were winter again already. almost, but not quite!

  2. Those tomato sprouts look wonderful! So strong. And I swoon over that woodstove.

    1. they really are growing strong and looking good- very exciting.
      oh me too!

  3. violets! lucky you. I want to someday vacation in your guest home, but since we have a wedding this year I'll have to put it on my list. Lovely photos :)

    1. the backyard is carpeted with wild violets now- we love them. oh Karen, how fun it would be to have you come stay!!

      thank you.

  4. Oh, hunting island!!! I've been wanting to camp there since we moved here. I need some insider info about best sites. Looking at the map it seems like any of the beach-facing sites would be good, yes? Do you have a favorite? Enjoy, enjoy! I hope to make it there soon, if not this spring, then hopefully this fall. And congrats on the wood stove! Foggy up on the divide this morning, and I'm enjoying the warmth of ours as well. Safe travels!! xo

    1. looking forward to chatting with you about the beach! we've only been twice but have made some rounds to see which sites look the best (though I don't think there are really any awful ones). we went in October last time and the weather was really nice then. sites fill up way in advance, so plan soon!

      thank you~ I LOVE the new stove. woohoo!

  5. have a great time at the beach!! your stove is GORGEOUS!! you are going to have so much fun next winter cozying up in front of it. xoxo.

    1. thanks Nichole, we did! one day we need to have a Chigoy-Riley beach meet up, don't ya think?

      oh thank you- we love it!

  6. i often do the exact same thing... looking through random photos.... and a little of this... and a little of that... then all of a sudden the morning is gone. spring... yes exciting... so crazy to think that all of that hardship with your mom was last spring! i am so glad that she is doing so well now!! your stove is gorgeous. and you could always give away some of those extra tomato plants :)

    1. it really is wild that that was all a whole year ago- wow. I am so grateful that she is alive and well!

      thanks, we really love the new stove. and yes, for sure we'll be giving away some tomato plants!


thanks for taking the time to read and comment~