


this weekend started with her first time in the 'big kid' ballet class.  which is really just to say she is no longer in the pseudo-ballet 3-4 year old class that heavily features games and play and skipping (all obviously very important).  now they are using real ballet words and stuff like that.  but it's still way fun, she assured me.  afterwards she had the idea of washing all her dolls' clothes and she did so (in between stories and cuddles and such) during a visit from my mom.  (for those of you who've read here for any length of time and know about her rather serious health scare last year, I'm happy to share that she is doing really, really well- no need for supplemental oxygen, and she doesn't have to go see the pulmonologist again until May!)

I wasn't feeling laundry, so instead I started to look through our seed inventory and made some more chai.  I've been generally following this recipe, tweaking it a bit by putting in a bit less pepper and adding some star anise.  taking the time to toast the spices in the oven and then crushing them is definitely worth it.  yumyumyum.  this time I tripled the recipe in hopes of having enough to last a little while.  maybe a whole week.

there was some more knitting.  visits with good friends we've not seen in weeks.  visits actually all weekend with different dear friends we'd not seen for a bit.  so a good hearty dose of reconnecting.  good stuff.

(these are not the good friends I referred too, but aren't they cute?)

there was gluten-free apple coffee cake.  I'm sticking with the gluten-free thing for a while as I've noticed big positive changes in my skin and digestion.  I wouldn't go so far to say I need to avoid it.  I wouldn't even go so far as to call it a true intolerance.  maybe a little sensitivity?  I don't know.  I can definitely tell a difference.  and you know, that King Arthur gluten free baking mix can get you pretty far.  at least it gets us to apple coffee cake, and that's not too shabby.

she watched The Sound of Music again.  I sat there with her, watching, knitting.  we ate snacks.  a hearty dose of color on the plate is always a good thing, and not as easy to come by this time of year as in others. (those are the watermelon radishes I mentioned a little while back- yum!)

today it was incredibly balmy here.  we all headed for some work outside.  he split more wood, working already to refill the woodshed for next winter, even though we're only about halfway through with this season's wood burning days.  she helped push the wheelbarrow.  I keep meaning to split some wood myself.  I've done it before and I actually quite like it, it's just that… well… let's just say his wood-splitting efficiency is a bit higher than mine.  quite a bit.  but still, I need to get out there and heave that maul a bit.  soon.

but instead, today I pruned back the raspberries, watched the bees (so happy to see activity from each hive!), and daydreamed a bit about the garden, the seeds (I'm a big fan of Fedco)…..

the day wound down with some coloring while listening to sparkle stories, tasting the hard cider (totally a hit, yes!), grilled cheeses and tomato soup for dinner and oatmeal-cranberry-walnut-chocolate chip cookies for dessert.

there was also a pre-dinner drum jam.  awesome.  it isn't often he feels like getting out the hand drums, but when he does I enjoy it immensely.  I think it's possible that the first time I saw him (freshman year in college, in the lounge of our co-ed dorm where we happened to be living across and down the hall from each other) he was sitting alone, playing the drum.  so, you know, it makes me all warm and fuzzy and reminiscent to hear him play.

a good, long weekend.

weekending with Karen~


  1. What a wonderful weekend. Your beautiful little girl is certainly growing up fast. We haven't got out in the garden yet still a little early in the season, it is too wet but we are thinking/planning the seeds and what we want to achieve this year.

    1. it was a very unseasonably warm weekend here, so we were able to get out and do a few things. I'm actually still crossing fingers that those beds will be under some snow for a bit!

      growing fast, indeed! she will turn five in 9 days!

  2. I am dreaming of the garden, and looking through seed catalogs, unfortunately the gardens are covered in snow :( It will be a while.

    1. STILL no snow here except for a couple inches the day after Halloween! I'm actually hoping the garden gets buried for at least a little while. but not too long ;)

  3. How are you liking the Art Forger? I read that one last winter for book club. I enjoyed it and found it funny that I was sympathizing with the criminal.

    1. I finished it last night and I really, really liked it!

  4. Lovely. Love the snacks too, those radishes! Might make some cookies.

    1. the colorful plates of veggies always help me feel like I'm balancing out the cookies and such ;)

  5. love your weekend! So glad to get a mom report, she is still (and always will be) on my prayer list. I remember when my daughter advanced to the big girl ballet, so much fun! Still lots of giggling though. I think I'm sensitive as well, I feel better when I eat less bread but I love's a battle. Sigh.

    1. I appreciate that, Karen! and I know she does, too.
      oh yes, the giggles are good, important stuff.

      I've found a gluten free bread that I like alright, but nothing beats a fresh-from-the-oven crusty loaf!

  6. This weekend's weather definitely put me in the mood for gardening. I finished harvesting all our carrots and put in my first seed order. I like Southern Exposure Seed Exchange for most things, but I like the seed potatoes from Fedco. Here's our weekend:

    1. wasn't it beautiful?! are you hoping for a little winter or are you ready for spring? I'm crossing fingers for at least one or two good snows that allow us to get out and sled and make snowmen and then come inside and drink cocoa while we watch the snow fall! (I don't AT ALL romanticize things…)

      Fedco get some stuff through Southern Exposure, among other growers. I love their catalog and think of it as the seed catalog equivalent of reading a bottle of dr bronner's :) I plan to put my order in asap!

    2. Totally hoping for spring. But, know I'll be disappointed since we have a ways to go. Snow would be fun, though. I definitely romanticize it too!

  7. What a beautiful weekend! And that cake yum! so happy to hear your mum is doing well. :)

    1. the cake is delicious! it's this recipe, but I use the king arthur gf mix and add oats, walnuts, an additional apple or pear, and sometimes an extra egg. and overall less sugar.

      thank you- it's been almost a year since she got sick, which is just nuts, and I am thankful all the time that she pulled through against the odds.

  8. my daughter started the "big" class recently too. Sadly it means I can't pretend to be a stage mom anymore but I've been getting a lot more pretend shows at home so at least now I can join in the dance :) Glad I found your blog, it seems very sweet.

    1. thanks, Sara~ welcome!
      Claire's ballet class is pretty low key- they don't regularly do recitals or have to wear certain colors or any of that- but she is really excited to be a part of the bigger class now. the teacher mentioned maybe putting on a little show for parents soon. I'm ALL about that! (the class is in an art gallery and wasn't originally a studio so there's no window to view the dancing and they can't put one in because the building is historical and all that- so we barely get to see what they're doing in there- so I'd love a show!)

  9. I love the doll clothes wash set up - so very sweet. Glad you had a good weekend, love seeing the sunshine :)

    1. I loved seeing the sunshine, too! though honestly I am still crossing fingers for a good solid snow or two.

  10. So nice. (I fear I say the word "lovely" too much that it is taken for granted. Your weekend was that, too.) Got your sweet card today. I am using the term "simplify" instead of de-clutter so that when I fail (which I always do) that just means my life is "complex" instead of cluttered. Hah. I need to take more pictures of the weekend so I have something worth noting too! Off topic - A little biddy told me there would be a winter swap. Yes?

    1. Haha! I spelled biddy instead of birdy (oh, stupid spell check) - no one in the North here would know why that was funny.

    2. I definitely overuse the word 'lovely'. also 'quite', 'rather', and 'bit'. what can you do?

      I like your thinking.

      I honestly hadn't thought about another swap~ was it jenny mentioning that maybe it'd happen? she's a sweet little bird ;) maybe I'll get the ball rolling- it was last February, wasn't it? the big one? hmmm…….

  11. Such sweet photos of a productive life. I've never seen those watermelon radishes. I presume their heirloom seeds. I'll look for them here. They look so delicious.

    1. thank you~

      they are watermelon radishes, and they are soooo tasty- not too bitter and spicy, and I know Fedco carries them because I just added them to my order!

  12. Sounds just lovely! I dream someday of having bees - must get the husband over the fear of them first! and a bigger garden. Those cookies sound so yummy!

    1. oh the bees are great! and really they are quite passive and uninterested in us 99% of the time. I can sit right up against the hive in a tank top and watch them do their thing. we do occasionally get stung, but that's typically our own fault ;)

  13. so much beauty in this post. it all just makes me adore you and your family even more. why does there have to be almost an entire country between us? not fair. (also, so glad to hear about your mom's progress!! so so happy for you)

    1. aw, shucks~
      I know! if only it was a quick drive (or even a day trip!)


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