


(papa thinks perhaps this picture and the title of the post need some explanation, but I reckon it's kinda self-explanatory.  but, in case not: presented with the above 'activity sheet', she turned it into a rattlesnake, which she proceeded to sound out and spell on her own as "RADLSAC".  papa helped her with the "N", and thus: "RADLSNAC".  but I kinda bet you already knew that - at least the bit about it being a rattlesnake and all.)

this girl.  I mean, of course she drives me nuts sometimes.  that's just how it goes, right?  but more often than not these days, I want so badly to find the elusive, magical pause button of childhood and push it down as hard as I can.

because, gosh.  she just rocks my world.  big time.  I am, every day, amazed by her.  by her big heart and her precociousness, her humor, and so much more.


  1. she is wonderful and you are right to enjoy her and her world through her eyes!!

    1. I feel best about my mothering when I get down on her level and let go of all the other 'stuff' I don't really need to be paying attention to.

  2. Looking at the pictures reminded me so much of the enjoyment of being a mum.

  3. I do know just how much you enjoy your sweet girl Amanda. Now try not to blink too much, she'll be grown. :)

    1. that's exactly why I want to find that darn button, Tracey!

  4. I did that the other day in whole foods. We were sitting down for a little snack after a 4 hour hike and I looked at my girls and it was such perfect moment. I wanted so badly to make it last all day.

    1. love those moments. I like to think (and hope) that the majority of my memories as I age will be like stringing together lots of those very moments.


thanks for taking the time to read and comment~