


leftover birthday cheesecake, yumyumyum.

breakfast and a good book, The Moon Sisters.

a new undertaking for papa, perhaps literally if he proves successful

the sauerkraut turned out quite well

birthday orchids from my pop

another batch of granola,

and quite of bit of popcorn popping these days.

there have been other things happening, too, of course.  garden tending, parties with friends, another hike in the woods back to that same christmas-themed tree, a visit with my mom, the first fire in the wood stove! (followed by 70 degree days) and so on.  Claire was invited by neighbors to go help them put up their Halloween decorations and eat themed snacks (brooms made out of pretzel sticks, shredded cheese and chive greens, for example).  the thing that made the invitation so great, I thought, was that the neighbors are a female couple in their 60s, and that they invited three little girls.  very sweet.  she had a blast.  there is a crow costume being made, farm school fun, plans for the Women's Herb Conference this weekend (papa is subbing for me at art class!), adventures in beekeeping (battening the hatches for the season, volume 3 (4?): and still so much to learn!) and tons of acorns falling from the sky.

but these little photos are a bit of what's happening in between


  1. Really really love these! My "real" camera has been broken for a couple months and I've been aching for it recently. These glimpses of your

  2. little moments only make that missing more acute! (Sorry about the two-parter comment; my phone is being strange.)

    1. thanks, Lisa! oh broken cameras are NO FUN. hope you can resolve that soon. you know, I think that this post just about sums up blogging for me, generally. it is basically a place where I catalog the mundane tidbits from our daily life so that I have a place for my sappy self to come back weeks, months, or years later to reminisce and smile. with some deeper thoughts thrown in now and again for good measure. ;)

  3. I would love to eat at your house because you eat all the things that we eat! :)

    1. well come on down (and over) then! we are moderately good company, too ;)

      but I have to tell you, I can't promise cheesecake on a regular basis.

  4. So much happening and so much to enjoy, nothing beats the enjoyment of the first fire of the season.

    1. oh I loved it! I sat on the couch really soaking it in and realizing how much I've missed it. of course, come February I'll be really missing the warm sunny (and decidedly non-fire) days, but still...... love the fire. had my mom not been visiting we probably would have held off- we haven't had another one since- but soon I know it'll be burning regularly.

  5. Any day that includes cheesecake is a good day!
    Congratulations to your husband, is he a hunter? I live with a bunch of those.

    1. yes! oh it was so good. a little too lemony for Mike (the recipe was one that used both ricotta and cream cheese, as per my request, and it also called for the zest of a whole lemon!) but I thought it was just right.

      he is trying to be! he and a friend paddled out on the river a couple times last week during duck and goose season but got nothing. he's hoping to go spend several days up in the Adirondacks at my grandfather's place in November during deer season. we shall see.

  6. our acorns are nearly finished, I think the black walnuts were in abundance more so this year than last, based on the crazy squirrel behavior! I'd love to eat some of your food, just once!

    1. we gathered a bushel of acorns to take to the pigs at farm school as a treat last week, and the yard is still covered! they've stopped falling though- no more steady bangs on the porch roof.

      it's an odd mix of food in these photos, huh? cheesecake and sauerkraut and popcorn. I swear we really do eat actual meals, too! (sometimes). you are most welcome to come over whenever, Karen!

  7. Yup, we've got the popcorn coming too these days. Love the rhythms of fall.

    1. indeed! I'd love to try to grow some next year.

  8. so many exciting things going on in your world!! yay!!! also, i am in love with that green wall... behind the orchids.... with all of the fabulous quotes.... would love to see the whole thing someday.... just sayin' :)

    1. thank you, I love that wall, too! green chalkboard paint and a white chalk-marker. it took this libra about three weeks to choose a handful of quotes. I think I have a post with photos of the whole thing.... here it is:



thanks for taking the time to read and comment~