

into fall

welcoming the shift over into my favorite season of all, there are whispers of autumn everywhere.  in the woodshed, where the stack keeps growing, growing.  on the porch steps where our two homegrown pumpkins sit crooked and warty and just right.  in the smattering of already-turned leaves, mostly red maples, that have been gracing our driveway and yard for a couple weeks.

in the growing (and may I admit rather ambitious) book pile, in the first batch of elderberry syrup made and already being sipped in hopes of warding off the funk and also because it just tastes so good.  in baking (grain-free dark chocolate, almond butter & coconut cookies, yum).

canning the last tomatoes also always seems an official farewell to the long and languid summer days.

there is the return of hot chai and lots of hot tea, and the stirring of a pot of soup.

we'll keep the windows open as long as we can, enjoying the way the cool and fresh turning-towards-wintry air kisses all the corners of the house, and before long the woodstove will be cranking out its steady purring heat and we'll be turning inwards as the days grow shorter.

but for now, and until then, I'm hoping to squeeze in a quick overnight camping trip, at least one trip to the apple orchard and perhaps a farm or two for all those great fall festivities like the mazes and the huge slides and the pumpkin patches and the cider doughnuts.  we've got a camping trip to the beach planned for the end of October, and fall weekends are filling up with fun outdoor plans.  which I hope to balance out very well with copious amounts of time spent snuggled up at home with tea and books.  because while I do love fall and fall outings something fierce, I'm also pretty into the ways of the homebody~


  1. Oh I love it all! We just got back from a trip to the East coast. The weather was so lovely, so cool and crisp. And then we come home to California's 80 degrees and very sunny. At least in the mornings I'm able to wear socks for the first time. For now, I'll live vicariously through you for the Autumn I so crave. ;)

    1. Summer I just read about your trip to scope out New Hampshire and surrounding areas- what fun possibilities! I love New England, it's such a beautiful area, and there's something to be said for all of those sweet small towns.
      Happy Autumn!

  2. Sounds like you are going to be busy with some lovely Autumn activities planned, sounds like fun.

    1. I feel like after blurring through spring and early summer with my mom being sick I've been trying harder than ever to really be aware and open to the beauty around me in late summer and now fall. hoping to hold onto that!

  3. Gosh I love fall for so many of the reasons you wrote about. Homebody here too, and I love afternoons with tea, my knitting or a book, and the fire. Can't wait!

    Happy fall!

  4. The trees are quickly changing here in WI and you can just smell autumn in the air. My favorite time of year for sure. As a fellow backpacker, I really enjoyed "Wild". Kind of a female version of Bill Bryson's "A Walk in the Woods".

    1. LOVE that smell. well, maybe the smell of autumn rolling in in Wisconsin is different than it is here in Western NC (where mostly I think of it as the pleasant scent of fallen leaves getting crushed and beginning to decay- kind of pungent but sweet at the same time), but I know I'd love it all the same!

      I agree- I loved Bryson's book and this one as well. such a brave and fiercely honest look at her life as well as being able to live through her trail time vicariously through her stories. while I haven't done much backpacking in a while (an overnight while pregnant and since Claire just one quick overnight last summer) over the years I've spent weekends and a few full weeks in the woods backpacking and long to get back to it one day!

  5. We have lots of the same goodness here! Pumpkin out front, leaves all around, and I did indeed start making the hot chai lattes this week!

  6. I can't imagine a better way to say it than you have here. welcome, fall!

  7. Gorgeous photos! I am so looking forward to the cool fall weather, I keep trying to convince it to come early here in California with hot tea and lots of winter squash, but it is taking it's sweet time!

    1. thank you, Cedar~

      I hope your methods begin to work their magic and coax fall into your neck of the woods soon!

  8. lovely post... you got it just right. this line... "canning the last tomatoes also always seems an official farewell to the long and languid summer days." is exactly how i have been feeling... and after ALL the tomato canning and apple picking i always feel so ready to see the outside work and preserving work go :) i am soooo ready for sewing. my stacks are piling up and i am just dying to get to them!!

    1. oh I was quite envious to see the many lovely apple trees dripping with delicious fruit in your yard~ yum! no doubt the apples, like anything, start feeling overwhelming after a while. what a sweet overload.

      I am just getting into sewing a little at a time, starting with simple mending and a crow costume for Claire for Halloween.

  9. How many cords of wood do you need to get through the winter? Lovely stacking by the way. :)

    1. it's just the outer rim that is stacked neatly, and then the rest is tossed inside. Mike discovered last year that he can fit about the same amount in a space either way, and this is much easier on the stacker! we have about 3 cords out there now, and if it's a cold winter here that should get us through it.


thanks for taking the time to read and comment~