


we've got a pond and a river, a bridge leading from what will be a forest over to what will be a farm....
it's coming along, folks.  I was giddy last night when I saw her pretending that our coffee table was a meadow for her animals, complete with a little blue piece of paper she'd cut out for a lake.  she is totally gonna dig this play mat, I know it.

I'm feeling a bit flu-ish these last two days, like an achy little old lady, but the large amounts of tea, elderberry, and immune herbal blend (and well, a bit of ibuprofen) seem to be helping a good bit.  that, and I'm off for the next five days so that's pretty sweet.  last night I actually took a hot bath (I hereby vow, if ever we build a house, it will have a nice deep tub that I can actually soak my self way down into- none of this draining out the little hole on the plug deal, no way- we can have a tiny little house but dangit, I want a superb soaking tub) and settled into bed with a good old-fashioned hot water bottle.  oh, sweet hot water bottle.

the bike has arrived.  papa put it together but thinks it's worth a quick trip to the bike shop for a look-over before we call it official.  and then, we're off!  'tis a cold time of year to get a new bike, and I'll try not to let that get me down too much.  but I'm not all that hardcore yet.


tomorrow she and I are on bread baking and pumpkin pie making duty.  also, I am supposed to take the turkey out of it's apple cider/salt/sugar brine that papa concocted today.  these things I can do.  and then it's pumpkin pancakes Thanksgiving morning while I try to figure out how to watch the Macy's parade with out television.  thoughts?  computer?  roku box?  got those.



  1. I'm hoping to be watching the parade from abroad and I just checked, I think will stream live.
    p.s. is felting easy? how does it work? The mat looks great so far, can't wait to see it finished.

    1. oh good- it's been my Thanksgiving morning background (followed by the dog show) since childhood.
      felting is...... tedious. but I think easy, yes. there is wet felting and dry (needle) felting, and I prefer the control I (seem to) have over the projects when needle felting, though it is probably the longer route for some projects. for this mat, I bought the mat (wool batt) pre made at a fiber mill, and have been laying out the wool roving over top of it and using both a single needle and a multi-needle tool to felt/bond the roving to the mat. there is a piece of foam under the mat when doing this, so that you can press all the way through. an alternative would be to lay out all of the roving for your mat (for the base and scene, or the scene laid out on top of a pre-made mat/batt), cover it with mesh screen and a bit of hot water and dish soap, and step on it over and over for a long long time (kind of imitating what happens to a wool sweater in the wash). I may do that a little at the end, to pull it all together, or I may go back to the fiber mill and use their 'felting machine' with many, many needles- and just run it through that a few times. we'll see when it gets closer to Christmas ;)
      thanks- I'm liking it a lot!

  2. hope you feel better! Have a wonderful thanksgiving with your family :)

    1. thanks, Karen! I don't do achy pain well- I am a whiny baby. but on the mend, and Claire is alright with mama laying low today... she is watching teeny tiny snowflakes fall and playing in the big bike box.

  3. oh my goodness! that play mat is coming along beautifully! wow! i was wondering what you had in mind when i saw you mention it :) hope you feel better soon...

    1. thank you, Jenny! on the mend, thanks :) Hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving out at your beautiful place.....

  4. sorry, I've been fooled by the internet, NBC will not have a live online stream but you can watch a broadcast online from Philly:
    Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. silly internet! I discovered the same thing...... there was a link to a Times Square webcam, but then you got there and it said "parade no longer routed through Times Square. Happy Thanksgiving!" we ended up finding an broadcast of the Philly parade, and it pretty much filled the void. pretty much ;) sweet of you to think to check back in, thanks!

  5. that looks so amazing! can't wait to see the whole thing finished :)

    hope a day or two of rest has been good to you!

    1. oh thank you~ me too!
      it really DID, thanks. I felt like a miserable slug until about 7pm on Wednesday night and then 'poof!' better. the feeling better snuck up on me. suddenly I was doing dishes and baking pie, instead of laying on the couch with the hot water bottle.


thanks for taking the time to read and comment~