

bread, tea, and apologies

these days it's been a lot of homemade bread, hot tea, and apologies.
luckily the first two help rather a lot, smoothing out the way to the third.  we're all a bit touchy and fragile feeling, particularly us girls.  but we're mucking through and coming out stronger.  I mean, that's the way it's supposed to work, right?

I'm thinking we're in need of a bit more structure to our mornings now~  especially as it's getting colder and we aren't heading out to the garden and yard for large chunks of time every day.  I love our slow, easy mornings together before heading in to meet the kids coming off the bus for art class, but I think where she's at now is someplace where she'd thrive with more of a set rhythm.  no doubt it'd do mama good, too.  so, looking at that.  maybe have a couple 'explorations' in mind for each week, more cooking together, more walks and hikes...... and even start setting aside a chunk of time dedicated to 'school' each morning.


  1. good luck with setting a rhythm. My two needed structure but then I craved it as well so maybe they did well because I was happy?

    1. our afternoons and evenings are pretty structured, but definitely not our mornings. I mean, we have our typical routine that we've fallen into, but I think we'll both be better off with some more structure. nothing very rigid, but I plan to start tweaking our mornings just a bit.

  2. hi! you recently commented on my blog phishybee... so i followed you over here :) i love that photo... and i too have the fragile touchy thing going on in my home... in fact i've noticed a pattern over the years... starting in november and through january is the touchiest time of the year for us... but it makes perfect sense doesn't it... these dark days are hard, but at least they are full of distraction what with the holidays and all :) (also, i completely agree with the love of a slow morning)

    1. hello! no doubt adjusting to these shorter, darker days have something to do with it. for us a big part of that is not spending as much time outside. we're still in that in-between stage where I want to just sit by the fire instead of bundle up a bit and go exploring.working on finding a sweet spot where we hold on a bit to our slow and easy mornings, but add a bit more rhythm and structure.
      cheers from NC~


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