

weekending :: welcome, fall

a friday morning visit with friends left me with the needle felting bug

drizzly rain saturday morning had us dashing in and out of ballet class
don't think I'll ever tire of seeing her proud, beaming little face as she exits class,
looking around for her people

afterwards we hit up the market~ Claire and I alongside good friends, umbrellas in tow
nothing makes a finer market ensemble than a leotard with tutu, rain boots, and rain jacket
writing this I am suddenly reminded of the dark chocolate with sea salt that I bought (how did I forget?)

back home for rainy day lounging, I rearranged her room, bringing in her play kitchen, changing things around, weeding things out
always nice to freshen things up

a record-breakingly wet summer said goodbye with a long hard downpour

she and I watched several 'episodes' (anywhere from 9-15 minutes a piece) of a disney version of the little house stories on youtube.  starting with Little House in the Big Woods, followed by The Ingalls Journey.  I must say, I dig these.  despite some blaring inconsistencies.  as in, there's no baby Carrie (!?), Jack is a border collie mix, and they get scarlet fever while in Kansas and Mary doesn't appear to have been blinded by it.  like I said, BIG inconsistencies.  but still, they're pretty good.

In the evening things turned crafty and I started a pot of soup while sewing her a little mask.  it started out like a superhero mask, but just seemed to really lend itself to owl-ness.  then we made a run to the craft store because I wanted to get a needle felting tool and we came back to more mask stitching, soup stirring, and red wine for the mama.  etta james featured prominently in the evening as well.  thinking I now need to make a few more forest friend masks for her.... a fox, a bear.... maybe a rabbit.

fall blew in this morning with a perfectly crisp and clear,
sunny but not-too-hot blue sky day.
we welcomed it with warm drinks and some time spent watching the
praying mantis in the garden and gobbling up raspberries, our bushes just starting a pretty nice encore fruiting.  I was also happy to see the peas are doing well (fall peas are not typically a success for me).

she ate cereal while wearing her owl mask

and then we set out to run a couple quick errands
we needed tile for the bathroom-to-be, and chicken feed, and to stop by and have a chat with a firefighter friend of Mike's about helping with the tile work

we did those things, and also picked out more fall seeds, went out for a late lunch of tacos on the patio of Zia taqueria, and went for some animal petting, garden wandering, and through-the-woods walking at the Biltmore Estate

home an hour or so before dusk, papa planted seeds and watered them in, and here I sit~ typing out our story of the weekend.  I suppose I ought to throw in that there were temper tantrums, snippy comments, and a bit of insomnia as well.  just to keep it honest and all.

off to eat some of that chocolate, and crossing fingers I might win the online photography course giveaway offered by Erin here.

*weekending with amanda


  1. What an awesome mask!!! My little one popped in the room while I was reading your post & declared that she needs one too! I hope you enjoyed your chocolate!

    1. thanks! it was super easy to make, and I can't wait to make more to go along with it~ oh, I did. I am good at enjoying chocolate.

  2. no weekend is complete with a temper tantrum. also, sunday night = insomnia for me. always has :(

    1. it comes and goes for me, in waves. often I'll have trouble sleeping for a couple months, then it's better for a while, then worse.... who knows.

  3. Love the image of leotards a tutu and rain boots with an umbrella, what a fun weekend :)

    1. it was pretty cute, for sure. it's become our routine to head to the market right after ballet, so usually she just runs around in her leotard with a few other little girls who also just came from ballet~


thanks for taking the time to read and comment~