

33 years, 33 things

I'm an odd number person.  I prefer them over even numbers.  I like the shapes of them more than I do their even colleagues.  I like the feel of them, if that's such a thing.  And I guess it must be, because I've long had this preference.  So, I like the sound (and feel) of 33.  Today is my thirty-third birthday, and going along with what has become a tradition of mine, I have a list to make:

and so here we go, in no particular order~ things for which I am most grateful


salted dark chocolate

tulsi tea

the abundance of firewood in the wood shed and driveway, which will warm our home and our bodies well in the upcoming (hopefully cold and snowy) winter

the man who splits it all, for so many things

most especially, for being the recipient of his love and watching him tenderly father our daughter

nights spent sitting around the fire pit with my people

our local tailgate market

her ballet class, and teacher

friends, true and good

family, of course

the bags of blueberries down in the freezer

the honey, maple syrup, and many jars of jam lining the pantry shelves

my new boots

having had my photos published in a magazine (twice!) after taking a risk and submitting them

for newly fenced-in chickens, and the return of enjoying our back yard fully, with no poop involved and minimal worries over just-sprouted seedlings getting gobbled

our local library (and a couple awesome librarians in particular)


our neighbors, and neighborliness & community in general

wellness, for myself and my family

occasional cups of strong coffee, with lots of half and half

for my grandpa's fiddle, the one lesson I've taken so far- and many more to come

having a job that I love, where Claire can come with me

her amazing imagination


our home, which is becoming more and more ours each year, inside and out

the giant bag of wool roving recently gifted to me by a friend who was downsizing her studio, which has resulted in a new and fun hobby for me


our upcoming beach trip, and the salty ocean air that will fill my lungs for a few days, the seafood that will fill my belly

Claire's opportunities to get to know some of her great grandparents

slow + easy mornings

our proximity to mountain trails and waterfalls, some of the best medicine there is


there we have it.  I never peek at the previous years' lists while making the current one, though I know there are certainly some repeats....  it feels good to just sit and say 'go' and fill up the page with the first 33 (or 30, 31, or 32) things that come to mind and make me smile..... looking back, that list from year 30 was part of my second blog post, almost four years ago.  I was a new mama and wanting an outlet for some words and creativity and thought I'd give it a go here.  so glad I did.

these lists bring to mind one of my favorite quotes, one that made it to the top of the quote wall:
"wear gratitude like a cloak, and it will feed every corner of your life" - Rumi


  1. Happy Birthday Dear Amanda!! What a great list - and a lot to be grateful for. Wishing you the best in the upcoming odd number birthday year.

    1. thank you, Nichole! can't wait for your visit!!

  2. Happy birthday and many more! Loved reading your list and seeing what's important.

    1. thanks, Karen! it's funny sometimes the things that come to mind making lists like these... things profound and things small.

  3. happy birthday! what a wonderful list for 33! wishing you all the loveliest and happiest things for this coming year. so glad to be back here on your beautiful space – i've been a bit awol and erratic on the blogs!

    happy weekend!

    1. thanks, Renee~ I'm sure you've been busy! hope work is going well and that you're able to carve out a little time for yourself as well~

  4. I feel the same way about numbers. 2,4,6,8 do nothing for me lol. And 3 is my favorite of them all.

    1. then this should be a very good year for you, yes? xoxo


thanks for taking the time to read and comment~