

on waterfalls, road trips, and poetry

I've got another poem up over here.  It feels good to be playing around with words and emotions, allowing the page to just fill up and see where it takes me.  Often the destination surprises me.  My issue of Kindred arrived the other day and I'm so enjoying reading through it.  So many different voices with so much to say.  And of course it's something special to see that photo (it's mine! it's mine! I'm published!) on the front and back covers, and the others tucked away inside.

We finally got out to a local waterfall yesterday, Catawba Falls.  It is one I've wanted to check out for well over a year and now, having gone, I can't believe we've only now made the effort to go.  I was honestly in awe.  Such splendor and loveliness.  No doubt all of the rain we've been having helped.  It was indeed a very wet but wonderful adventure.  I look forward to visiting this place at least seasonally.

Claire and I leave in the morning for a road trip.  She and papa had their own adventure a couple of weeks ago, which left me with lots of time to myself.  A first in these 3 1/2 years of mothering and I must say it served me well.  So now it's our turn, my girl and I.  Off we go to Illinois.  I'll be back in this space sometime next week~


  1. Congrats on the poem and photos. I know what you mean about the words surprising you, I always find that once I start to write I always have something to say, but not always what I expected. I live the revelation. Enjoy the trip.

    1. thanks, Rachel~ I've let journaling fall to the wayside since I started blogging, and so a lot of the juicier things go unwritten..... maybe that will change now.

      we did, thanks!

  2. Enjoy your girls' road trip! How special that will be :)

    I LOVE the picture of Claire and the flowers in her hair...just lovely!

    Take care, have fun and look forward to hearing about your trip :)

    ps - well done on the Kindred!

  3. Safe travels! Loved your poem :)


thanks for taking the time to read and comment~