

weekending: cold rain, warm fire

We welcomed the first weekend of May with the opening day of the tailgate market and our first fire in nearly a month.  It's been cool and rainy here the last several days it's made for an interesting combination of market shopping, gardening, once again searching for dry kindling, and hot cocoa consumption on the couch while watching movies with my girl.  Our first market adventure of the year, though chilly, was still grand.  We made the rounds, she and I.  Visiting a bit with good friends, some seen regularly and others not since the market closed in October, (I swear the market is the best social scene here in town), picked up our pastries for breakfast along with some goat cheeses and chard, clumsily peeled a teeny tiny hard-boiled quail egg with frigid fingers, and then headed out seeking warmth.  In the form of a fire and blankets.  I couldn't resist, however, stopping at the once-yearly rummage/plant sale at the unitarian church in town (it was on the way home) because I always find something great and it's usually no more than fifty cents.  Seriously.  This time around I scored some decent art supplies (a handful of paintbrushes and a barely used set of 45 rembrandt soft pastels), a small picnic basket, a dandelion seed print on canvas, a small quilted wall hanging,  some short wire fencing for the garden, to put around whatever it is at the time that I need to protect from chickens (I'm thinking that was quite a steal, seeing as how at fifty cents it will contribute to marital harmony and bliss as now Mike won't have to look at, and be bothered by, my plant-protecting-contraptions that I tend to throw together now and then. truly, I'll be glad to not have to look at them either), and one of those expanding wall organizing thingamajiggers to hang in the mudroom so we have somewhere to hang our stuff until I put up the branch hooks I keep saying I'm going to cut and hang.  ahem.  it's only been about 3 or 4 months, give me some time...... I can't help it if I don't get to the things I see on pinterest in any sort of reasonable amount of time.  Oh, and also a pretty purple dress for a quarter.

After we got home I went out to collect eggs, empty the ashes from the wood stove, look for kindling and, well..... and there was a yard sale across the street and so I kind of sort of had to at least look, right?  Right?  I came back with a small pyrex bowl, a reusable sandwich wrap and two lawn chairs.   The kind you can lie down on.  I'm foreseeing some summer reading on the deck in one of those..... with a cold drink and a soft cushion.  Sounds about right.

And then she and I got settled on the couch, under blankets, hot cocoa in hand(s) and watched Shaun the Sheep and Tinkerbell.  We do very little screen time for this one, so this was a bit of a treat.  For both of us, honestly.

(in case you've not yet been made aware, I will inform you now that hot cocoa must always, always be consumed from a santa claus mug.  don't even try to put it in anything else.  I think she's onto something, honestly)

Things have settled a bit since I wrote my last post.  I received a fair amount of feedback afterwards and appreciate all of it, so thank you much if you took time to leave words of wisdom and encouragement.  I was also reminded that it wouldn't be a bad idea to take a break now and then.  You know, clock out and do something on my own or with other grownups from time to time.  Oh yes, forgot about that.  I talked with the papa a bit, asking him to please help by reminding to do just that from time to time.  He is in no way keeping me from doing it, it's all me.  With him gone for 24 hours at a time for work, I tend towards wanting to spend time together, the three of us, on his days at home.  I need to be mindful about heading out on my own, instead, from time to time.  And about not allowing any self-imposed guilt to creep in following that decision.  I think one reason it can be so hard for mothers to do this, to remove ourselves from our familial setting when it doesn't appear that it is absolutely necessary, is because it is easy to forget what 'time to ourself' means.  There is this new identity, motherhood, that seems so all-encompassing that maybe it's hard to remember there's other stuff in there as well.  I mean, of course I know I am much more than just a mother.  That I was and am my own person aside from this somewhat new and very consuming role.  But still, it can be easy to forget.  And not necessarily in a bad way, just...... well, if you are a mother, you know.  I need not explain, or rather, bumble my way through trying to.

So very well then- a break now and again.  I hereby vow to make dates with myself whereupon I hang my mama hat at the door and go out looking for that other girl buried deep down in here somewhere.  truly, I don't think she's that deeply buried, but at the very least in need of a little dusting off.

In other news, there are new books.  I was having trouble slogging through my most recent book choices so I put them on the shelf for now (or rather, back on the shelf at the library) in exchange for some others.

I can smell the coffee is ready, and I need to shower before we head out to brunch, so I'm off.

weekending with amanda


  1. lovely post. Filled to the brim with thoughtful reflections and encouraging thoughts. I love the hot cocoa sentiment. It made me smile so. Enjoy your sunday brunch! xo

    1. oh thank you~ and you know, there is something knowing in many of the things children insist upon happening, I believe. no harm can come from adding a bit of fun where you can, right? be it a santa mug or any number of other silly little bits.

      enjoy we did, thanks! it was buckwheat banana pancakes with berries, maple and pecans for this mama~ mmmm mmmm good.

  2. Sounds like wonderful days... I'm glad you are taking into account what you need for you. I don't do enough of that over here. Happy Weekending!

    1. I find I am more mindful of it shortly after the effects of not being so come to a head, as they did recently around here. of course, that's how it is with all sorts of things. I swear I'm really (really, really) going to start making a more concerted and regular effort to fill my own cup. cheers!

  3. Your post was so fun to read! And I really wish I'd been at those yard sales, too. I love the dandelion print. Your writing was lovely to read this morning...thank you!

    1. thank you for your kind words, Lisa~ and yes, that rummage sale has never let me down, it's crazy good. every year.

  4. What a lovely post, Amanda! Cocoa and getting little treats...and yes, reminding ourselves that we need our self-care time, too. It's so comforting to know that we have this blog community for support. Glad to hear you are feeling better :) The self care idea is met with a 'Cheers' - using Santa Claus mugs filled with yummy hot cocoa, of course :)

    1. thank you, Renee~ I am all about the treats lately, and self-care time is high up on my list for sure. wouldn't it be a riot if we could actually all get together and hang out in person??

    2. so funny you say that - i was just saying that to another blogger mama friend - wouldn't it be great to have some sort of summit and all meet up? one day :)

  5. I love the santa mug idea for hot drinks by a fire :) Even in May! Looks like you had a great weekend and took in some relaxation.

    1. I wised up this year and didn't pack them away after Christmas..... they make me smile whenever I notice them staring out at me from behind the glass door of the hutch in the dining room. they are totally front and center. even in May.

  6. I really love your blog. What a quiet, honest place. I think it's so good to remember self-care, cocoa, fire in the fire place, books for our minds. Thank you for taking the time to share this little bit of your life.

    I'll be stopping by more often. Farmers Market + rummage sale? Always count me in!

    1. thank you so much~ I appreciate you taking the time to read and connect. and yes, a little self care goes a long way, doesn't it?

      I agree, farmer's market and rummage sales are where it's at!

  7. hot chocolate in santa claus mugs sounds like a perfect thing.

    and the mama time, you need it. i leave my house every saturday morning for as little or as much time as i need. it's a lifesaver. too bad you don't live close by, we could meet up during our mama time ;-)

    1. I just can't bring myself to put them away. they now stay front and center in the hutch in the dining room year round.

      oh wouldn't that be nice? meet over coffee or tea. or chocolate. heck, all three. maybe one day one of us can get together a little retreat for this sweet little online community. hmm....... and I know I need it, the mama time, but then somewhere along the lines I often forget and then it takes me getting all cranky and bitter to remember. I understand why some people get little mantras tattooed on their wrists or other conspicuous places. but then I wonder how long before they don't notice those either?


thanks for taking the time to read and comment~