

weekending: spring (for real)

I started the weekend with a much needed yoga class.  I may have snuck in a few yard sales on the way home.  and then came blue skies, warm days, bee watching, most of my waking hours spent outdoors.  eggs, suddenly, filling our counter once more, flowers blooming, sandals again the shoes of choice.  reacquainting ourselves with old friends at a toddler birthday party, good coffee, good beer, tons of gardening...

when we moved into our home there were many beautiful old light fixtures.  we replaced them with ceiling fan/lights but kept them packed away.  this one (my favorite) is now a gorgeous bird/bee bath hung from a branch of rhododendron that is bolted to our fence.

Claire sought refuge from the sun's rays in style in her beeba-made teepee while papa and I busied ourselves with this and that around the yard and in the garden.

our girls like to play soccer, but then act like they're just taking dust baths when we come around.....

we had neighbors over for dinner/dessert/playing.  first real meal out on the deck this year.  we supplied burgers, fries, and salad, they brought homemade strawberry short cake.  I must learn to make biscuits.  I could eat a lot of biscuits.  a lot.

Mike worked on cutting lengths of bamboo for the knee-high fencing I plan to make to go around the beehives.  (I am using the plural because I am certain we will soon be able to split our hive and thus, have two)  he played around with making these fun little trays.  oh, the things we could do with these!

coming soon are photos of the bees, the bee fence in progress, and the reorganized back shed/chicken coop.  I still need to come up with a new name besides the 'back shed'.  it is so much more than just that.

*weekending with amanda


  1. what a wonderful weekend. love that chicken picture. :) have a great week.

    1. thanks, you too! chickens are so photogenic, really.

  2. I think we will be enjoying some outdoor grilling soon! Love the chicken photo as well, I had to read twice about the soccer playing ;)

    1. ha! they are funny girls. definitely a good bit of entertainment thrown in with the whole egg thing.

  3. love your chickens playing soccer on the sly ;-) and the way you repurposed the old light fixtures is fantastic!

    1. they do all sorts of things on the sly, I think.... thanks! I was excited about the bird bath~


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