

weekending: visitors, good eats, spring(ish)

we've had dear friends staying with us since thursday night.  they head out in the wee hours tomorrow morning.  it's been a nice visit, one with lots of good eats, good company, and sweet six-month-old baby holding.  we explored black mountain one day (our town), asheville another (next city over and home to french broad chocolate lounge, white duck taco, and so much more- really, it is a wonderful city), hung out with some old and new (to me) friends and got to check out the in-progress timber frame home on 19 acres ( of one of the couples, and lazed around a bit.  

spring, being spring, came and went.  gone were the consistent seventy degree days of easily spreadable butter and sandal clad feet that we saw last weekend.  instead we had the wood stove cranked up to keep that sweet babe (and us) warm and the newly bloomed daffodils drooped their heads in chilly bewilderment.  but by afternoon we were opening windows and most of the flowers had perked back up.

and there was art.  of course there was.  it's her happy place, you know.  art and books.  and home.

tomorrow I clean out the car to then fill it up for our trip south to florida for the rest of the week.  thinking of checking out honeymoon island state park.  and breathing in lots of salty air.  and (audio) recording some of my grandmother's stories.  and such.

weekending with amanda


  1. those pix by your daughter are wonderful. i love children's art. sounds like a lovely weekend. ;0

    1. thanks~ I am saving many of course, noting the dates and such (any 'title' she gives) as she does them. I love kid's art as well, it is just so wonderful.

  2. have a safe trip! inhale some salty air for me please :)


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